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Hello everyone!

I hope you are all doing very well!
Today we're going to talk as usual about the next updates and the work that my illustrators and I are doing these days.

First things first, I saw from your feedback that you really enjoyed the last update with Rapunzel!

It's really great to read this, it was a very complex update to do, but this little blonde lady was really worth it! ahah
I think this concept of "unique patreon character" will be reused in the next chapters of the game, it's a good way, I think, to give you exclusive content, and I also think to keep as tradition that it will always be characters from licenses.

I already know which character will be the "patron character" of chapter 2, and I think it's one of the most expected one by many of you ahah

But before we talk about chapter 2, we have to finish this one! And above all, for the Steam release, replace the licensed characters!

As you can imagine... it's time consuming.

It is time consuming but I sincerely think it will be worth it. If we can raise enough money with this Steam sale, we can hope to increase the quality of the next chapters by hiring more people!

A beautiful virtuous circle isn't it?

Speaking of replacements, we are also going to replace the "Image Datas", you know, those images that you can win in game in the gallery. Well... they are a bit obsolete.
We are replacing them with beautiful color illustrations with new characters.

The first replacements of these images will arrive in the next update, so you can have a glimpse of the level of quality that we have now !

And to finish with the subject of replacements, as I already told you, the parody version of the game will remain fully available on Patreon.

So, don't worry about it.

What do we have to do to finish this chapter 1? (and move on to chapter 2)
It's pretty simple:

1/ The conclusion of the Romances Quests.

2/ The last Patreon quest ( Try to guess in comments ~ )

3/ The end of the Anna/Elsa story and Introduction of Chapter 2

A lot of illustrations about these 3 points are already finished, but there is still work to do!

By the way, don't hesitate to tell me what you would like to see in the next chapter, I will start taking notes now. If you have any particular desires, tell me in the comments!
Who knows... There might be a chance that your wish will come true! ;)

I'm going back to work, I wish you all a very good day! And take care of yourselves! ~~

See you soon! ~~




A idea I think that would be nice, is to have a way to get money that is not that much RNG, sins you are making us use alot of money ,or maybe some upgrades to our robot that is permanent instead of 1 time use.


I've had this permanent upgrade thing on my too do list for a long time. I had put it aside but this would be a good opportunity to do it indeed.


If you're going with princesses still, it would be great to see Aurora or Ariel. Belle could be fun too. I also enjoyed reading the books to learn a new skill. Silly, but it gave my character something to do at night. :) Great work, can't wait for Chapter 2


I would love to see more use for the image datas, once you unlock the 9 images, there's not much more to do with them... Also, permanent drone updates and a complete inventory, like, I wanna know if I have 3 or 4 cupid apples in the same place that I check for my clothes datas...

Michael Heilig

i would love to see jasmin from aladin in the game


I would like too Emee update

Silly Willy

i think moana, tiara, and possibly more villains (like the ursula situation)


is there still an update for anna and elsa?


It is a little annoying to have to sleep to visit someone a second time. Maybe you can make it so that you can visit as many times as you want, but you can't do anything quest wise until you sleep. Like you can still shop or change clothes but you can't advance until you sleep again.


aaaah!! Got me hooked again!! Had to unsubscribe just for financial reasons, but I think I will make this one exception!


I would like the option thats is similar to the end of the rapunzel quest to repeat corruption on all of the characters


Will the various Patreon Quests also remain in the version that will be released on Steam?


The game will be completely open in the Steam version, all Patreon quests will be accessible, and will be renamed to " Secondary Quests ". I don't want to charge extra for a paid game, so everything will be accessible ;) ( But that will be with the new unlicensed characters of course. )


You mentioned hiring new people. I don't know if you saw my comment on an earlier post, but I tried reaching out to you on Reddit about this. We should talk. As for what I'd like to see in the future? Oh, boy! Jasmine, Ariel, Mulan, and Pocahontas! Those would be fun!

John Doe

Love to see more bondage


I'd love to see more branching storylines as well as a way to keep track of them, like in Detroit become human where you can see the choices you made and where they led to, I feel like that would make a good completion tool, it could even be locked till you finish your first playthrough


Would love to get to do stuff with tinker bell or alfa


Definitely more Tinker!


Tinker content, even if it's just more outfits that just barely cover her.


More Tinker shenanigans please. Possibly a scenario that has her become big or the player becomes small.


More Tinker, More Tinker! Can I add something...MORE TINKER! Where at? Why... Everywhere! Thank you kind sir!


If you want to add a new character, I would love to see something with moana, or more snow white scenes

Garm Eyes

Yeah, Tinker!


For sure some Tinker, she's the biggest tease in the game so it'd be nice if she "helped" the player get off for all his hard work, if at least once. And I would love to see some Moana, Jasmine or Megara! Also super excited to see your original characters. Big fan of Emee and Melissandre so I know the new ones will be great!


I would like the drone missions to be a bit more interactive, because right now it's very barebones. It's ok for the current lenght of the game, but let's say chapter 2 has the same amount of characters and storylines chapter 1 had; it would turn a barebones gameplay mechanic into a grueling chore. Because the game runs on RENPY you can speed up the drone missions, but it doesn't bare much better. I liked the added interactivity with the rogue drones, so maybe something like that or at one point we repair the ship and go on scavenging missions on other parts of the planet or we search around the planet's orbit


It might be nice to see Merida from Brave with a hairy bush and maybe give more then one automatic drone

Garm Eyes

Once you've finished corrupting a character, it would be nice to be able to visit them for a hook up. Snow white for example seemed like she'd appreciate an occasional romp in her cottage.


Generally being able to replay the scenes with dialogue, as opposed to the gallery, would be great.

Tristan Watts

I hope Jasmine is one as Tink did mention a desert as did the mc


Hello, sorry to bother you, but I'm having an issue with the Repunzel quest. For the first part(the book), it skipped straight from the dialogue with Rapunzel to talking to Emee. I was able to fix this via the console code, BOOK_Art_01PresE = False, basically forcing the object into Emee's shop. Now, I'm running into the same issue with the second set of paints, and I was wondering if you could tell me which line adds them to the shop. I'm loving the story, and I've been excited for this project once I found it on F-Zone, ever since the coin quest first got added(which I messed up the first go round). Decided to revisit, and I'm more than happy to join and support. Its quirky, fun, and just the right amounts of irreverent. Obviously, I'm not too far into the story. I can't wait to see if Tink's replicant makes another appearance, or what happens with Tink, in general. Anyway, thats the only hang up I'm having. I'd appreciate some help.


I'd like to see something a little more violent or just BDSM stuff


A lot of the comments are about new characters, which I agree with (especially tinker), but I'd like to see a bit more repeatable sex scenes, rather than just the strip options which seem to come and go randomly between chapters. Once I unlock a scene with a character, is like to go back and do it again (maybe with a different dialogue?) rather than just visiting the gallery. I also really like the dark/light path with Rapunzel, maybe more of that as well with different characters (or maybe different stats that can be increased for each one (like submission, depravity) to unlock events rather than paths. Also, I know they are android, but an optional pregnancy kink would be nice. Thanks for all the work you do!


I second repeatable scenes, but even if it’s just repeatable corruptions. If I go see Snow White I can have her strip, but if I got to Anna she just chats. Being able to go to Anna after corrupting and doing something like the jerk off dialogue but where she has her eyes open or something, sight changes but repeatable so there’s something more than the gallery. Also, as far as the next character, I’d love to see a poll done to get some results for that!

Jason todd

Will the sex scenes get more animation before the final release?


I would like Petals to actually be useful. I spent more on fixing the thing then it ever brought me.


Well, I said it once in some earlier post, I would like to see adjustments in scenes gallery, so it would be possible to replay both scenes/images which are dependent of choices, like Rapunzel for example, or Tinkers paintings. I'm not saying to make it avaible right away, but it would be far more convinient to make gallery that shows all things unlocked in previous plays, so we won't have to juggle between different saves just to replay some things. Also unlocking all choice dependent outfits after finishing Rapunzel(and every future characters) training both ways would be nice.