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Hello everyone! 

Today, I'm going to try to do a newsletter a bit shorter than usual.
( I have a lot of work to do ahah )

Fist of all, the game is progressing well!
We start to see the end of this chapter 1.

The next update (Emee part 2) is approaching the end of its development and it should be released next week, so before the end of October. 

If there is any change on it, I will let you know ^^

I won't spoil any more about the exact content of the update, but I want to tell you that I am super happy with the result! The art is really nice and I love working on Emee, even I feel like I'm falling in love with her x)

This update also contains the main story and maybe other surprises that I will let you discover. 

As usual, this update will be available 1 week in exclusivity for patrons 5+.

In addition to the continuation of the main story, Emee and other things, I set up a small system to sell Cheat-Points, I do not think it will make me rich to be honest, but every penny earned allows me to pay a little more my artists.

( But if it sucks, I'll remove it x) )

Then will follow an update on Sphinx which is already almost finished.
I'll probably add to this one some additional costomizations for the office.

To finish this chapter, we still have the development of Elsa, some romances and Rapunzel.

After that, the biggest part of the work will be to replace the different licensed characters.

As I explained some time ago in another newsletter, even if the current game is parody, and free, I prefer to replace the characters I don't have the rights to in order to put this game on sale.

For the moment we are focusing on the next updates, but this work has already started and I am very happy with the result! I really can't wait to show you this.

In any case, if you are attached to the "parody" version of the game, don't worry, it will still be available on patreon. 

Just not on sale ^^

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your comments. I read absolutely all of them and many of your suggestions to improve the game are very relevant, and as some of you have seen, I have often applied your proposals. 

So, even if I can't answer to everything because of the lack of time, I read everything very carefully.

And that's it for today!
See you next week for the update,

Have a nice day and take care of yourself!




Hi Salty ! Thanks for the game it’s amazing ! I was wondering if it’s possible to open a backup file (i started playing online) in the windows app so I can continue my game ?


Thanks for the update, I've really enjoyed following this project. It's one of my favorite Ren'py games. But, since as you say Chapter 1 is quite far along, there is one thing I'd like to point out. In general, and especially as Ch. 1 is nearing completion, the game could really use some spell checking. While the actual writing is fun, the artwork is good, and the game is pretty bug-free, spelling issues are quite frequent. Also, but that is a lot more rare, sometimes the name shown is not the character saying the shown line. While it isn't bad enough to cause issues understanding the story (something I've seen in some other games), a lot of mistakes like that do make the game look significantly less polished. Maybe a way of submitting or posting issues as we play along would be helpful. Especially with things like spelling, it can be easy to miss when you are checking something you wrote yourself. That's all for now, aside from that I think Chapter 1 has been developing great and I'm curious to see what the future will bring.


Are we going to see a Daisy Duke outfit for Anna!?

Kevin Lorentzen

Yay more Sphinx!! And I can't wait for Elsa, she's one of my favorites. Thank you!


The game is going wonderfully! I really like it I have some suggestions, the first one, if you wanna implement some sort of micro transaction or anything like that, you could use the already working "patreon code" feature but implementing a sistem that checks online when you insert it, then, you could give promotional codes or things like that and just upload them without the need to reinstall Another one would be the option to trigger a scene but within the character menu, I have seen this in a lot of other games and I like the way that you organized the replays but sometimes it's just more immersive if you can just go to the character and speak with her to trigger that same scene Also, it will be cool to have a place to submit suggestions, like discord or something like that That's all! I really like the game and I look forward to see more things with Emee! ( I'm also falling in love with her)


I will say one thing, I am adamant that you don't sell cheat points. Making it a reward for being a recurring Patreon member, that I understand (it's a loyalty reward). It's another thing to suggest selling anything else because that's a slippery slope which *ruins* communities and games. I can't support that, and "oh Joseph if you don't like it, don't use it" doesn't cut it because it can and will slowly shift things away from the community and the Patreons who have helped fund this game. "Oh, it's just $1 for in-game items. It's just an extra $3 if you want this outfit. Oh, it's just an extra $12 if you want this quest line. You've already paid $60 towards this project over the last year, what's another $25 to unlock these two other characters" etc etc. Slippery slope, and "That'll never happen, I'm not like that" gets compromised faster than you can say "paid Skyrim mods". Please, please don't.


Will future chapters depart from the “parody” of using other characters such as Belle (as hinted in the computer) and other well known characters? I know that the licensed content is not able to be sold as a game but I am sure many of us Patrons are Patrons for the reason that the Parody game is what we enjoy. Are you going to have the same approach with the resulting chapters that the parody version is what is developed and then you replace the IP characters when it goes for sale? I just want to know what if I should stop getting my hopes up for seeing other parody characters? (On a side note Meg from Hercules would be awesome to see in the game)


The other chapters will work the same way, I start with a "parody" version and I finish by making a version with new characters for the version that will be on sale. I will never put on sale licensed characters, this would be suicide, obviously. So yes, there will be new parody characters for the next chapters when they will be in their "free playable development" phase


Just throwing my two cents here: the selling of cheat points... Yeah, not the biggest fan. I understand the reasoning, but I feel like there are other ways that don't imply paying for extras. Patreon quests is a different thing, we know what we're getting. Paying for something that is absolutely non-essential, but could be free? I play these games for the plot (seriously!) so cheats are very welcome, although by now I know the tricks to make it less frustrating. About changing the characters, hell yes, absolutely, go for it! I think I may actually prefer it with original characters! Also, very very hyped for more Emee!


Good stuff as always, if we're getting characters just as unique as Emee for a paid version then I'm all for it. Both her and Melissandre got most of my interest anyway, the licensed characters plot development I find jarring at times so I can't wait to see what's in store as far as original characters go. The cheat points system is a bizarre choice, since you're basically paying for a premium skip button. Most of the meat of the novel so far comes from the credit grinding. If you want to complete what's available in current the version, at least 65% is dedicated to drone searching and dress making and it's a tedious ordeal. IT IS rewarding to get absolutely every single nook and cranny. But earlier supporters won't likely need this system since they likely have several save slots ready to go for future updates, reducing the grinding to a tolerable level. I can imagine the grinding becoming a problem once the novel is far more advanced in development and new supporters have to start from scratch, if the grinding takes up about the same percentage it does now I think having this cheat system might send the wrong message to potential new backers.

Jake Plitz

Just wondering, are all the old fairytale characters such as Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella considered licensed? Because you could probably claim they're folklore characters instead of specifically from the mouse.


They ARE Folk Tale Characters, Jake at least, the older characters are I know.


I was wondering about this, too, and I'm glad to see that this is the route you're taking. I can understand why you don't want to use characters that you don't own (especially when you consider who does own them), nut having those familiar characters is a large part of what I like about this game. I think this way could be the best of both worlds!