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Hello everyone!

Today, I'm going to tell you about the different new updates that will be released in the coming weeks.

But before that, thank you very much for all your feedback on the last update; looks like you really liked it!
The various reported bugs will be fixed in the next update which we will talk about now!

The 0.28 update does not include any new features available to those who are not Patron. So the next public release will be for the next small update ( 0.28.1 )

Upcoming updates:

The next two updates will concern the beginning of the game.
In your many feedbacks, you pointed out that the beginning of the game was... how to say... a bit slow.

And I totally agree with that.

I have learned a lot in terms of script, writing and gameplay since the beginning of the development of OPT.
And the beginning of the game does not reflect at all the quality of the last updates.
So I'm going to rework it a bit, and also add a few scenes along the way.

This will consist of two simple updates,

The first consisting of a small rewrite of the beginning of the scenario of Snow White.
( Nothing very brutal I promise ;) ) And the addition of a new scene.

And the second small update, will add a new character available at the start of the game. ( Just a little addition to spice up the beginning of the game )

The artwork for these two updates are already on the way, so it shouldn't take long.

There will also be some little surprises that I will let you discover in game ~

After that, the next big update will concern
Emee ~

I'll tell you about it soon, don't worry.

About the release of the game:

The final release of the game is still planned for the Fall.

Many more updates are planned before the final release, such as the development of Elsa, the conclusion of all unfinished characters, and others that have not yet appeared.

But before that, I'm gonna have to do a big cleanup on the game.
For obvious reasons, the game is absolutely not sellable as it is, as you can imagine.

Several characters will be remade in order to match the original tales.

This will not change the story or the writing of the game at all, only the visual part.
If you have any concerns about this, please let me know in the comments.

After the release of OPT Chapter 1, the development of the Chapter 2 will start right away.

Thank you very much for all your support, see you soon for the next updates!
Take care!




This looks great!! keep it coming Salty!


Love the direction of everything as of late and I have definitely enjoyed the past few updates. You've done some outstanding work! I will say I thought about this for a few minutes and do have some things I bounced around in my head. I am worried about the scope of everything outlined and whether that time could be spent developing other things. I understand wanting to make minor tweaks to previous scenes, but I think that time could go towards adding new dialogue to existing characters too. I have no reason to talk to Snow White or anyone else after I've caught up with updates. It would be nice if there were more dialogue or flirty options to have with them to keep them more relevant.. or if there were even rewards for checking in on the girls as a result (after 3 days in a row, they find an image data and give it to you; 6 days in a row and it's a character data; 9 days and it's a pattern; etc). Adding a new character to the beginning of the game does sound like an interesting proposition. I hope one doesn't need to start over from scratch in order to enjoy these things. One of the reasons I never unlocked the Golden Apple Patreon quest is because it required me to start over, and I felt like that was punishing me for putting so much time into my one file. Heck, I would love to see that added at some point as well - the ability to revisit the wishing well. Also, of course I'm going to suggest more options to keeping the girls topless or nude permanently instead of just temporarily in the story. If I've corrupted someone as far as I can go, I'd figure I'd probably keep them in little to no attire and flirt with them every now and again.. or include Tinker/Emee in the fun similar to meeting Rapunzel.


Hey Joseph! Don't worry, the modifications at the beginning of the game won't be very big, and I don't spend much time on it, but I really need to bring some speed and mostly perversity to the first minutes of the game. For the addition of the new character, it will be available from the beginning of the game, but accessible at any time (I should have specified that right away) I am very careful not to penalize players who keep the same save since the first update. So you can start this character with your advanced savegame. (It will be something easier than usual you will see.) Concerning new things to add to the old characters, I set up the system of "Golden heart" with Melissandre in the 0.27 and I intend to globalize it with all the characters (Like Snow White, Anna and especially Emee for the 0.29) This system allows you to access new dialogues (and other things) according to your level of affinity with the character, so it's perfect to reward The most passionate players. ( BTW, I like your suggestion to add more dialogues providing rewards to the player. I keep this idea in mind. )


I can't wait to see more Emee <3


looking foward for chapter 2 :D

William Pierson

If I could make a couple of suggestion... I would love if there was a way for Tink and the hero to get together if you know what I mean ;). Also, since this story has a "space" environment, I think a natural character for the story would be Captain Amelia from Treasure Planet.


Chapter 2 is going to be SO good. I've already started writing it, and it will be really amazing ^^


I’m glad to hear all of that - I understand wanting to present your best work possible and how this is a labor of love. A little extra push of perversity sounds like a nice time, you have plenty of direction to go there to make it extra fun. It would be fun if the rewards also included things like flirty options, flashing, having the girls suggest revisiting an old scene with different text (“how about we go back to _______ and pretend _______”). Going back to see characters makes sense with regard to the “This character has already been visited today” mechanic as well and would play pretty well with your heart system too. Another idea I thought that could probably work well for some fun effects.. (I just like ideas).. unlocking / reactivating a security camera system! Kind of like FF X-2’s spheres that let you look into the voyeur life of different locations. Looking in on the girls or on Tinker for some candid moments could be pretty interesting, and you’d only really need to model a computer screen filter as an overlay.


I don’t want to spoil anything so make sure you don’t read on if you haven’t played lots of the game already .... but Captain Amelia definitely made a special appearance at one point and I don’t think we’ve necessarily seen the end of that just yet.


Hey Salty now that I have advanced further in the story... The wall behind the war table looks a little boring, maybe we could hang up something there... Like a photo of the boss or something like that...


Totally agree. All the interior of the headquarters will be completely remade, I had posted one of the concept of the future interior in a previous newsletter if I remember well


Is there any form of guide available ? i have the feeling i've missed some things and i dont know how to get to them


Hey salty when do Great Supporters get the 0.28?


when will the update be ready ?