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Hello everyone! 

Today we're going to talk about important things. What will be produced in terms of content this year, the objectives I want to achieve, the end of the first chapter of OPT, The Wyvern Crew, etc.

Let's start with the news about the next update, the "0.27 P2"
The Future Updates :

The next update will be released the next month.
I'm still working on it, there's still a lot to do but it's an update I'm very proud of.

After this update, there will be at least two small complementary updates.

- The first one ((maybe) 0.27 P2.1) will concern the upgrade / redesign of SnowWhite.

- The second one ((maybe) 0.27 P2.2) will concern the implementation of a small secondary feature that I've wanted to put in game for a long time

After all that, the next big update (0.28) will be about Character Romances.
( I can't wait to implement this, eheh... )

The Main Objectives This Year:

Let's talk about some serious things.

Until now, my goal was to develop this game, composed of 3 Chapters and, once this game was finished, I wanted to be able to sell it, increase the number of people I work with, and start a new one.
( Don't worry, I've already planned to remove all references to non-free licenses before putting anything on sale ^^ )

But, at the moment, the current game takes about 8 hours to be finished and at the end of the first chapter, I am aiming for a game time of 12 to 15 hours (or more)

I'm currently thinking of publishing the first chapter of the game as a whole game.
And publishing 3 games instead of one.
(So, 3 games of about 15h.)

Which in the end, will not change anything for you, because you will always have everything here if you are a Patron.
But for me, with this income, I'll be able to hire people permanently, and thus increase the quality/quantity of production in a much more significant way.

I had planned to finish the first chapter of this game for this summer, but I think I'll take a little more time, especially if I have to publish it on steam and Ichio as a complete game ^^

So it will be for this Fall 2021.

And don't worry, as soon as this chapter is over, the next one will start right away ~
( I've already written most of chapter 2, 3 and the end(s) of the game, and I can't wait for you to play this. )

The Wyvern Crew :

Finally, let's talk about my first game, "The Wyvern Crew."
I've learned a lot since that first game was released in 2019, and that's why it's now completely obsolete.
But I still love it and I believe it has good potential.

I plan to completely redesign it. Make it a cool game that will be financed by the sales of the 3 chapters of OPT.
It will obviously not be for now, or even this year, but for now I'm thinking of working on it between chapters 2 and 3 of OPT.

Feel free to tell me what you think about all this in the comments.

I'm going back to work right away, and I'll see you soon!

Take care ~




Whatever you decide, we support you 110%. You can do it.


Can’t wait for everything this year. We know it’s all going to be amazing!!

Stephanie Lane

wow i assumed that wyvern was just dead, glad to see you have so many ideas can’t wait to see you do a great job!!!


I fully support you and wish you luck. My only worry is that you are maybe having to big of aspirations for how many people will buy this game especially since they can get it on other sources as well like f95. If you do plan on selling it I suggest you stop letting people update the game on f95 and have that up for free as a demo at some point cause if you let people get the full game on there itll be like "why spend money" and 2- I suggest you might also want to lessen the price a little from whatever you was originally going to charge since itll now be 3 parts cause people will prob not want to spend as much as for a full game for part of a game. And 3 I suggest you wait for a bit before you hire anyone new to help with the extra money from selling the game for in case it doesnt do to well, I am hoping it does well cause I do really like it and you do deserve it but someone always has to look on the bleaker side so that you get both sides of the coin. Other than those 3 things though I do truly hope it does well and I am sure I'm speaking for all of us that we hope that these bring you as much wealth as you want and we all support you all the way no matter what happens cause we all do truly enjoy the game and what you have and are doing here.


Maybe you can tie wyvern crew into opt as an prequel type thing explaining how he ended up on the planet


I can't wait to see the the seeds you have taken so much time to grow bear fruit. This will be an exciting year.


What do you mean By Redesign of Snow white? I kinda love her the way she is. Also will we ever get LIttle Red Hood? Or Belle? They are my 2 favorite princesses.

The Gentle Viking

I believe Salty wants to redraw Snow white so the art looks as good as the other characters. I don't think they want to totally change the look of the character too much. I think we will be seeing Little Red Riding Hood in the next update. As for Belle I'm unsure of the plans for her. Typically Salty01 likes to keep future characters a surprise. Hope that helps :)


An entire month without an update? I mean, why not offer people who are still subscribed this month another in-game code - otherwise the month of January feels like it was kind of ignored.


You know, my updates are always released approximately every 1 month and a half / two months ^^ I promise you that I'm working like a beast to get this one release as soon as possible.


I'm so lost i can't figure out how to start the patreon quests even after unlocking them I can't seem to start them after finishing all the chapters


I'm super hyped for this update! Is there any new info regarding the release date?


I'm still working on it. I'll release it earlier if it's possible, but I think it will be for the next week :)


I really appreciate the game and your art style. Any news on the next release?


hey salty a question when Great Supporters get the part 2?


I think it was supposed to be tomorrow. But I'm releasing it right now ^^ Have fun!