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Hello everyone! ~

As promised, here's a little Christmas update that has absolutely no Christmas theme.

I add for this update a very small thing in the Image Gallery.  
( The "ImagesDatas" gallery one )
And, I let you discover this little feature by yourself. ~~

For the partrons, you will find in the post just above, a code giving you access to data and credits in game.
This code will no longer be available for the next update, so take it now ~~

I wish you all a merry christmas, a very happy holiday season, and I'll see you soon for the next part of the game!
Take care of yourselves! ~~

Mega link (PC/LINUX/MAC/Android): https://mega.nz/folder/bN0kmARA#5xVtYysb_dP3sZMt9Uxe2Q



Matt Torres

Will the android version release soon?


Is this update, just giving the thing in the Image Gallery?


Wow! thanks for this update!


When trying to access the image 10 it says i still need to unlock 01 tbrough 09, and before updating i already had them unlocked.

Kevin Lorentzen

Wait a couple game days, then Tinker will tell you she found something in the image data.


I found this game yesterday, so I got the update but how do I update the game in the future, just download the game and overwrite the files?


This is simply amazing


New sub here. Do the android releases carry the save files over between versions? Thanks for the awesome content!