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Hello everyone

Unfortunately I have to start this post by letting you know that once again, my health got worse since last time. 

I didn't want to mention it, but unfortunately I really have to, as this is the main reason why I've been so quiet with updates. This month was a real struggle, I am immensely tired of going through the same, over and over again, I really wish I had made a full recovery by now, (with the help of medication) but things didn't go the way I wanted. I'm still trying my best to resolve this issue so it stops being a problem for me and my works.

So once again, I'm very sorry for the lack of updates. I'm really trying my best to resolve this issue ASAP.

With that said:
Not everything is bad news. I was still able to get some work done during this month. and here are some updates of what I've been working on:


(I hope you can see the animated GIF below this text)


I'm very happy with how Opal's animation is coming out! :)  
I'm very sure you're gonna like it!

However, I do need to bring this up again: ^_^"

This is by far the most complex animation I ever worked on.
As much as I want to finish this as fast as possible, there's just no way around it... It takes a lot of time! 23 characters that need to be animated, physics, destruction, smoke/particle effects...  (and my computer barely handling all that) all this adds a lot of time, and I don't want to create another huge gap between animations.

That's why I've thought a lot about this, and recently decided to work on just one more animation before finishing Opal's movie, so I can have something else to publish soon, while you wait for Opal's (pretty much what I did with "Giantess Found Footage")

From a technical aspect, this animation is way less complex to make, which means, I'll have it finished much much faster, and this way, we'll all have something to enjoy soon enough ;)

After that, it shouldn't be too long until I finished Opal's animation ;)

This extra animation will be possibly called: "Planet Devourer"

I already have a small sneak peak  that you can watch right now ;)
(Make sure you use headphones!)  


(If first link doesn't work, you can watch it:

I really hope you like it! :) 



You health matters more. I hope things get better for you.


Of your recent animation projects, I am incredibly excited to see the Opal destruction animation. Seeing a destruction themed size fetish video made with the kind of quality you produce is something that I am *very much* looking forward to!! The planet vore animation also looks good--it'll be a nice side dish before the main course, if you will~ That being said, I would very much like you to handle your health related issues first and foremost. Having to wait longer for the Opal animation is a small price to pay for you being in better health. Your hard work is extremely appreciated, so please take care of yourself!

Jimmy Oreo

Wishing you all the best, I had insomnia for only about a week once, and it was absolutely awful. I really hope you are able to recover and sleep well again soon.


Hey, I totally get it, and please put you health at the first place, what you have done is already far more than we expected. Take care!! I am so appreciate your work and take a good rest first!


Just happy to hear an update from you man, even if it's to say you're still trying to recover. Just know that pretty much everyone here understands your health comes first and please don't work yourself too hard with worry. That being said, these new previews are incredible and the finished products will be well worth the wait, I've no doubt.


Health is the important thing. Both mental and physical. Take all the time you need &lt;3