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This is an actual small update (that didn't turn into a long wall of text for a change) just to let you know that I finished animating everything on the found footage animation, Including the extra few scenes I was just working on, so no more 3D work for now.

Maya is currently rendering the rest of the scenes (so far it rendered about 95%  of the animation since I started working on it... the last 5% (about 1500 frames) should take a couple of days

I'm currently working on post editing (organizing or changing scenes, cuts, fixing rendering problems/artifacts etc...)  and then, once the final cut is ready I'll work on sound ;)


EDIT: (Oct 7, 2019)

Maya finished rendering all the scenes and I finished all the post editing. I'm about to start working on sound! ;)  (it can take a couple days or a couple weeks, I sometimes get stuck on a scene for a very long time when I can't get the right sound! But I'll let you know how things are going)


EDIT: (Oct 15, 2019)

I'm now working on a bunch of small things here and there (icons, small extra fixes and adjustments in the video, making a trailer, exporting multiple versions of the video, including mobile versions which takes forever to render and triple checking everything...)

THIS ANIMATION IS VERY LIKELY TO BE READY DURING THE AFTERNOON OF OCTOBER 16!  (I may have some delays and post it on October 17 instead! But if everything goes well, it will be ready pretty much by tomorrow!) ;)



Good to hear! Thank you for your hard work on this!


Hell yeah!! Thank you for the work you put in.


Thanks for the update!! Good luck with sound. Can’t wait to see the finished product!


Wish I could like this post a second time, heh.


It’s been a couple days tho!!!??? Where it at????


Hi there ;) sound can take me anywhere from a couple days to a couple weeks, however, I'm happy to inform that after a slow and messy start, the sounds are finally starting to work out (it's tricky to make an old VHS tape sound bad but somehow good at the same time =P ) and I'm about 75% done with the sound ;)


YAY!! Can’t wait to see even just the trailer!!!


Thank you! That one will come faster than you think =D EDIT: (about 2 hours later) the trailer is up on the newest post! ;)