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I'm getting into the bad habit of working on some surprise projects and not saying anything again, so here goes:

The GIF animation above is from a WIP mini animation with Opal, I wanted to have it finished by now but something important came up so it's gonna take me a couple more days. Therefore, enjoy the small work in progress for now ;)

I'm also working hard on getting everything ready for my next **big animation** (i've been doing things like modeling new assets, making working Maya characters and testing several other tools that I'm gonna need)
I'll bring you more news about this very soon! (I just want to make sure I can get it all done so don't end up promising something just to find out later that I can't deliver. However, things are looking good! Really want my first (long) Maya animation to be great!) ;)

Also, there's gonna be some changes on my Patreon, please check your messages as soon as you can were I'll explain things in more detail ;)

Thank you!



Johnathan Black

I'm excited for this. Hopefully more POV shots, which are just the best.


It is going to be hard to beat your last project. It was possibly the best piece of vore art in the video medium. It is just short of being perfect in my opinion


Nah, it can definitely be improved =P I can't know for sure what my new animation will look like, it will be my first big project developed with Maya, but I'm trying my best to improve it ;)