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This has been insane, but I'm SO GLAD I ACTUALLY DID IT!

I finally finished my first, fully rigged character in Maya! 

Creating animate-able characters in Maya is by far one of the most complicated things to do in the 3D world, but it will allow me to create better and more complex animations from now on! (And all this waiting is gonna be worth it!)

Here's a few screenshots of OPAL !

If this is your first time reading about this "Maya project" and you're confused, basically I'm switching from the old software I was using (Poser) to the much more advanced and complex "Maya" (but a change like this required a lot of time from me!) you can check this video if you haven't yet:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT4TiWZVawc

So, what have I finished so far?

RIGGING (Also called "Skinning")
Opal's body is now fully rigged and working! (In Maya!) I tried my best to make sure that every limb moves properly and the skin looks smooth from all possible poses! Working on the hands/fingers was one really tricky part:

Controls for all the bones/body parts are working properly:

(WIP Screenshot)

Added Hair and clothes that work with the character (the panties stretch very nicely!) =P

RE-TEXTURED Opal and reworked her skin from scratch (I couldn't simply copy/paste her skin textures and settings from Poser to Maya, but at least I believe she looks a bit better now)

Here are some.... Mandatory and super important test renders of her new skin. X3

Random things:
I sculpted some body deformations that can be automatically triggered by specific body movements, like this:

On the left, the arm looks very static, it completely ignores the fact that it's being squashed by the forearm.
On the right: The right image has an "hidden, sculpted deformation" that is triggered by the movement of the forearm. Making it look like the arm is actually made of flesh as you can see the muscle contracting a bit and the arm expanding when it gets squished by the forearm.  


What's next?
I'd definitely like to make a small GIF animation with Opal before moving onto a big one animation!
Not only would you get a small animation MUCH sooner (probably less than a week!) but it would also work as a small preparation/training for me!
After all, this is all new territory for me! ^_^"   (And my head is exploding for learning too much in such little time, However, I was totally expecting Maya to be REALLY complicated for a beginner!)

I could also put this project on hold and work on my princess comic again for a couple of days! (just enough to get new pages ready!) Let me know what you prefer!  (Unfortunately, I really can't do both things at the same time) ^^"

I'd also like to once again thank you all for being so incredibly patient!
I never imagined I could spend this much time building something without making a bunch of people angry for the wait, and I definitely didn't want to take advantage of that!

I've been seriously stressed about even visiting patreon... I haven't checked it for several days because I've been a bit too afraid to do so! ^_^" (You know... I wanted to finish this project weeks ago, and your're all waiting more than I wanted!) But my plan is to really compensate you all with awesome and better animations in the future!

I keep trying to justify myself over the time these projects take (especially for a total beginner at Maya!) but I only wish you knew how much work really goes into this stuff, (oh, and nothing ever works on the first try!) In sort, I did my absolute best and I'm not even bringing up other bad stuff that happened during this project :(

With that said, I really hope you're happy with these news! I believe the longest and worst part is over (rigging/skinning a character in Maya!)  I'm quite relieved I actually did it! ^_^"

BTW, Here's a list of ALL the iterations, versions, (and even some failed attempts!) of ALL the files I created while working on this project:

PROJECT HISTORY: https://www.patreon.com/file?h=26255850&i=3655468




Congratulations! That is a huge achievement! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! Love Opal so much!


Thank you so much! (And good thing Opal was my first choice for Maya) =P I'm really excited to make new animations with Maya! It may be a lot more complex, but the endless possibilities make up for it!


Wow, she looks even cuter than ever! I'd love to see her in motion so a gif would definitely be something I'd be interested in. And no need to stress about being a little quiet lately, the change of software already looks totally worth the wait.


AMAZING!!!! Can’t wait to see that booty in action.

David Davidson

Let's all appreciate not only your drive to improve, but that cutting edge technology is being used to give realistic butts to giant elf girls.


Congratulations for your big step! I myself am an animator and can confirm that maya is an absolute beast to learn, but also the best in terms of flexibility and polish.