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I divided this post in 2 parts, so, if you're not feeling like reading the whole thing, feel free to at least read the one that interests you the most! ;)

PART 1 = Upcoming Animation(s)
PART 2 = Updates on Wallpaper and new rewards!



As some of you know, Guilty Pleasures 2 ended up being a lot more complicated to create than I anticipated, mostly thanks to complications I had in life as well as me trying to make the animation better and better (by adding more and more scenes, these delayed the project but at least I'm happy with the result!)

Now I want to make episode 3 even better... I'm really planning to make something awesome. But I already know this is going to be a lot of pressure, especially if I take too long to finish it... I REALLY need time for this one but I don't want to keep everyone waiting for so long.

With that said, part of me really wants to make 2 simpler and smaller animations before moving to this big project again!

Of course when I say "simple" I don't mean making trash  =P
Just not as cinematic or as long as my previous animations. (and different!)

I believe this would be a great way to share new animations before moving into the big "episode 3" of Guilty Pleasures:
If you're ok with this, you'll get to see different characters (I'm thinking about making a small vore animation with Opal, in first person perspective) ;)
And small animations wouldn't take me 4 months to finish!
(like Guilty Pleasures 2 did!)
I believe it would be a cool way to be more productive, share more animations with you, while also getting some stuff prepared (including my mental health) XD  for the next big project!

The other idea I have involves a bit of city destruction! ;)   (I'll need to run some tests and ideas I have in mind before promising this one!)

If you definitely prefer Guilty Pleasures 3, then I'll try to get episode 3 ready, but of course, I already know it's gonna take me quite some time :S Especially because I want it to be better! (another reason why I think that smaller and different animations would make this wait a little bit easier for everyone. Who knows, you might like my other ideas even more!)

Let me know what you think! ;)


2 -

Before I start with the upates: I didn't forget about the wallpapers! I apologize for all the $20 usd patrons who had to wait!
None of you complained, so I guess you all understand that I've been so busy (especially with the animation) that I had to postpone the wallpapers for so long... Thank you for being so patient!

I have some "bad" news but also good news.

In a few minutes, I'm gonna post a small collections of new wallpapers for all the $20usd patrons who waited for so long! I hope these are worth the wait! 

The "bad" news first:
I won't be making many wallpapers from now on. They take me way too much time from the comics and animations (mostly because each wallpaper is "a new project" and this involves setting up a lot of stuff for the perfect render)

However, I'll still make wallpapers from time to time, but from now on, these will be publicly available for everyone, in lower resolution, and a 4K version will be available for $5 usd patrons
Partly because I... you know... I like to share the stuff I do :S
Keeping the wallpapers private to a few people doesn't really feel very rewarding...  At least this way, everyone can take a look at new wallpapers, even though they're at a lower resolution! I sometimes put a lot of passion into some wallpapers and it's quite a shame that I'm not sharing them with more people ;)



$20 USD patrons will now have access to exclusive/alternative angles renders from any animations, either in development or after publishing! In full HD.  
These actually work well as wallpapers too! But of course, they're based on  my latest animations.
You'll casually get access to some "behind the scenes" / "Making of" videos.

I'll use alternative angles from the animation "Guilty Pleasures 2" and a small "making of" video with everyone! This way you'll know what to expect  from my next animations (in case you then decide to become or stay a $20 usd patron) however, this first post is a new reward so it's free for everyone, I hope you enjoy it! ;)



Would love to see that Opal animation! :D


I'm up for the Opal animation, too. :3


Thanks! I think it would be great to bring more variety before moving to episode 3 ;)


Opal needs love ;) and it being all POV would be awesome!