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So I've been rolling this between me and my other artist friends for a bit, but I was curious as to what you dudes who are actually in charge of this think. I've more or less held myself to a 3 month cooldown on not drawing characters who appear on the poll but don't win, just out of the idea of fairness. Sometimes I do really want to do something of someone who didn't win, and I'd like to know your desires here.

So, are you guys okay with me drawing characters that didn't win the polls of my own volition, or would you like it to be on a sort of cooldown phase, and if so, for how long? Likewise goes for drawing more content of someone who won the poll as well.



Draw whatever you want man i just enjoy your art


I feel like any cooldown should be for the lucky characters that actually win. Not the loser's bracket.


Go hogwild bro

Raven DEF

I personally think as long as the winner is drawn first, draw a loser whenever you want