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I wanted to thank you again for your support and every time I think of how to involve you in my work as a thank you. I don't know if this is what you want but I'm inspired by what I've seen elsewhere and it's an idea I appreciate. Would you like to appear in the game credits as a supporter? I was planning to update my Halloween game, so I'll start with that one, but it'll also be for the Christmas game.

To appear in the game credits

To express your wish to appear in the game credits, simply like this post and I'll include your name in the credits. If you'd like to appear under a name other than the one you have on Patreon, you can leave a comment with the name you'd like me to use or by private message.

You can also leave a comment about what you think of this idea, whether it's bad or not. If this sounds like a cool idea, I'll think about doing it for animations too.
Thanks for your attention and support!

I will stop collecting the 'likes' and private messages on November 30.


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