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Hello everyone.

As you know, I didn't make any posts this week. That was due to two things, work and because I'm having a block. I'm drawing at a really slow pace. 

Here is the thing, I won't be able to make any posts by the end of the year and right after that, I'll make a small trip so won't be able to draw anything at all for at least a week and a half so I'm proposing something to you all.

In January things might be really slow so what you all can do is unsub so you won't get charged and come back for February when there's content for you to check out.

I'll rather be honest and let you all know now so you decide what to do.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great end of the year and wish you all a Happy New Year!!!

Hope to see you all again on 2023!!!

See ya soon!!!



Have a good break and see ya next year till then