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Monday Night RAW
Mon • Mar 20 • 6:30 PM
Enterprise Center, St Louis, MO

Available Tickets => 318
Current Setup => 12,637
Tickets Distributed => 12,319

Last time here:
10/28/2022 => Smackdown => 7,518

Wow. This is a big jump. Most of the uppers were kept at $20-$25 which helped move a lot of tickets in the past few days. 


Steve Murphy

What am I missing here? I keep seeing talk of sell-out, but it's no where near the 19-20k that I'm used to seeing in an arena like this. Are "sell-outs" now just considered when available tickets are sold, even if the building isn't fully open? If so, that seems like a pretty misleading stat. I'm legit hoping to understand this as it's been a topic of conversation recently with the Battlehawks here in STL, too.


Who said sell out? I can help you here. Yes, it's a misleading thing to do if WWE referred to this as a sell out if not every available section wasn't opened but to be clear, 19-20K isn't available to them to use in arenas like this because of their stage. We've discussed this a lot but the stage takes up 20-30% of the permanent seats. If I have referred to an event as a sell out, it does mean every possible section they could open has been opened and sold. Tonight's show in STL had a few more upper decks they could've opened but the demand wasn't quite there for a true sell out (but they did move a ton of tickets late). The Battlehawks did not sell out their venue. They only sold the allotment of tickets made available.

Steve Murphy

To be honest, I didn't see you say sellout at any point. But most of the Twitter replies, and several wrestling journalists (including DMeltzer) said it very directly. I do understand the loss of seating for sets and production, and how that changes as the sets themselves change. I guess I'm just assuming they still move the set closer to center ice to squeeze more people into a smaller space to look better on TV when there's not legit sellout demand for the venue. I've been seeing that since the 90s, maybe earlier. So, if you don't mind bringing me up to speed, what is your guesstimate on a legit sellout in this building for a Raw currently? I've not given any effort into determining what set factors might have changed since Raw 1000 almost 10 years ago, which seems to be the modern high water attendance mark (18,300+) for WWE in this building after a quick Google. Thanks!


Most sell outs for a modern WWE setup in NBA/NHL arenas like this is 13,000-14,000. The stage has grown since that time. There was only a few more upper decks they could've opened on the hard cam side so somewhere in the 13,000s would be a true sell out for this set up. With no stage, it would be much bigger.