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WWE has removed the October 9th Sunday Stunner house show from its calendar. 

Last check on this show:

Available Tickets => 1,306
Current Setup/Capacity => 3,423
Tickets Distributed => 2,117

“We were informed by WWE that the October 9th event at First Arena is being canceled,” First Arena tenant Steve Donner said. “They were concerned that ticket sales were not moving up to their expectations in advance of the event. We are working with WWE to reschedule an event in the Spring of 2023. Refunds will be offered to ticket buyers from the source that they purchased their tickets. We are disappointed for area wrestling fans but we will continue to bring wrestling events to the arena.”

Article Link: https://www.mytwintiers.com/sports/wwe-sunday-stunner-canceled-in-elmira/

This is the 5th canceled house show of the year.


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