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WWE Clash at the Castle

Sat, 3 Sept 2022, 15:00

Principality Stadium, Cardiff, Wales

Available Tickets => 12,139

Current Setup/Capacity => 70,482

Tickets Distributed => 58,343

Just a correction from yesterday's post: The first 6-8 rows in all of the L sections never opened. They all follow a similar pattern to below where you can see which row went on sale. This is because those sit low to the ground. I removed all of those from the count. You can also see some of those sections don't look fully opened at the back of the section either but for now those are figured in. 


Ryan Meston

Holy smokes 58k I thought it was lower than that

donde stas

you sholud count L31, L30 - they are all sold out. i track them when they open the tickets. i have tickekts in L19. and most of rows 1-8 is for the people who bought Experience Packages for 700£.