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Here's a look at what has opened up so far:

As you can see about half the stadium is the current setup, similar to recent stadium setups (like Allegiant Stadium). Some thought it might be a full stadium setup but that would be risky if they weren't confident they could sell this out.

The first available ticket count I got was 22,884. The actual setup is larger as some seats are not available that will be available soon. See screenshots below:

Presale code that works: UNIVERSE, TITANS

As of present moment (11:15AM ET), there are 20,371 tickets available.

UPDATE:  As of 11:49AM ET, there are now 13,905 tickets available. The upper decks are selling well.

The floor:

Upper decks:

Floor and first level:


Jared Searcy

I thought they were going tk open the whole stadium up honestly. It’s weird seeing these half- 2/3rds full stadium lay outs.

Tim Taylor

If its a stadium with a roof they can still make it look good. I am very interested in how they're gonna pull this off in an open air building. Is the entire side gonna be tarped off?