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AEW Presents "Dynamite/Rampage"

Wed • Feb 23 • 7:00 PM

Webster Bank Arena, Bridgeport, CT

Available Tickets => 1,159

Current Setup/Capacity => 6,151

Tickets Distributed => 4,992 (81.2%)

They added seats to existing sections noted below (one of which was already counted as full, the other one (hard cam side) was not so those seats were added to this total). The true total for tickets out is actually a little higher and here's why; they took away a section on the hard cam side that sold some seats. I did not catch the amount because it was partially opened at the time. So for now, it is not included. I'm confident it will come back and I'll be able to add those back in. See 2nd screenshot to get an idea of how many sold.

Section taken away (and yet to come back):



This seems like a very good number for the market and if the ticket sales follow a similar pattern to the last couple of weeks it could be considered excellent.