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AEW Presents "RAMPAGE"

Fri • Jan 21, 2022 • 8:00 PM

Entertainment & Sports Arena, Washington, DC

Available Tickets => 1,529

Current Setup/Capacity => 3,913

Tickets Distributed => 2,384 (61%)

As I mentioned in the other post, the 2 day combo tickets sold out. This one is a bit behind Dynamite but I've seen this before with the back-to-back shows in the same building. Rampage eventually catches up and ends up ahead. We'll see if that pattern continues. I thought with this smaller building they might sell out one of these shows by the end of today but that didn't happen. Dynamite has a chance with another month and change to go.


Danny Valentin

You say Rampage usually catches up to Dynamite and surpasses it in sales. Do you think it has to do with it being on a Friday vs a Wednesday?