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Just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for being apart of this Patreon. Every time I hit a new century mark, I want to acknowledge the people that make this possible. I've been chasing the 400 mark for a few months. 

2022 is already starting to fill up in the first quarter and there is no shortage of shows to track. From GCW's recent sell out to the Royal Rumble to the Battle of the Belts, it's an exciting time to be a fan of professional wrestling and more specifically the business side of it. Vince McMahon has long believed ticket sales determine how hot you are as a product and we get to see that first hand. 

For Platinum Tier members, I am granting access to a copy of my master spreadsheet of every show I've tracked since wrestling has returned to the road following the pandemic restrictions being lifted (and hopefully stays that way). Because of monthly turnover, setting up security of some kind (Google Groups) to access the master spreadsheet has some drawbacks, the biggest one being the time commitment but I'm going to give it a shot. This will give you every show I've done to date and a look into how future shows are doing. If you want access to this sheet and are a Platinum Tier ($5) member, please message me or contact me by whatever means you prefer (wrestletickets@gmail.com is another option) to have your email address added to the group. I believe you need a gmail account to be added to the security group.

Thanks again and I hope to see you next month. It seems like there have been an unusual amount of non-Ticketmaster shows of late and my apologies if some of those updates aren't as frequent - they are far more time consuming. Usually those are reserved for the Platinum tier but due to the higher volume of those, I've decided to share many of them to the General Admission tier. 


Jesse G

No. Thank you!! Really appreciate it. You do a great job.

Brandon Potter

Thank you. I signed up for the Royaaalll Rummmmble!