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Dave Meltzer passed along that over 4,000 tickets have been sold for this one so far and AEW officials were very happy with the number so far. I'll call the box office in the coming days to get another estimate from them.


Benjamin Rich

I’m sure once Punk is official and Mox makes the press rounds in the days before the show, they will close to double that number.


I just joined to get some info on this show, thanks. It looks like this show isn't through Ticketmaster so the mapping is a little different. I got seats for section 207 - any way to tell if this is facing the entrance tunnels or behind them or on one of the sides? Great site!


This link to the general seating map w/stage should give you a better idea of where you will be sitting. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://mcdn.ticketseating.com/450w/4550-fifth-third-arena-generic.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.ticketseating.com/seats/fifth-third-arena-tickets-cincinnati-oh/&tbnid=yEea-0bhMA0lUM&vet=1&docid=LOlQ7Icz82UJUM&w=503&h=450&itg=1&source=sh/x/im