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"I haven't seen you in a long time ! Look at how grown up you are !" Nurja said.

Sitting in the kitchen, Jack and Nurja were catching up on the time they haven't seen each other.

"Tell me about it ! Last time you were babysitting me. I was, uhm, 10  I recall ?"

"I do remember, I was 16. Your parents did pay me good money to look after you, and I could afford to go away from the orphanage and hit the road ! I never settled down ever since. How old are you now ?"

"18, soon to be 19. I'm not as adventurous as you, I'm helping dad in the farm, but I have to admit, I wish I could do like you and just go away one day and go wherever I want. You must have so much to tell !".

They talked like that for an hour, Nurja told the numerous encounters she made during her constant travelling, the people, the towns, the parties, her improvement at making potions, how she manages to calm down werewolves now. She was looking so lovely, and even though he never told her, Jack always had a crush on her back then. During his firsts erections, his firsts masturbations, when puberty hit him, his thoughts were fully on Nurja. She disappeared too soon for him, but here she was again, charming as ever, and a body so sensual you would lose your sanity starring at it for too long. Those breast are so round. How does an argonian body feels ? He would give a lot just to touch them, squeeze them, embrace th... 

"Hello ?"

A snap back to reality. Has he really been starring at her boobs ? For how long ? He wasn't sure how to react.

"Oh Nurja... uhm... I'm sorry... I... uhm... that's stupid of me..."

Nurja saw his head becoming as red as a tomato. And she loved it. She knew the power she had on him. And what if she took advantage of that ?

"So when are your parents coming back home again ?"

"Oh, I suppose it's only a matter of minutes, maybe half an hour".

"Hmmm... Do you feel like.. a walk in the forest nearby ? Just like we used to ?"

She extended her left foot underneath the table, until it reached in-between Jack's legs, slowly caressing.

"We could play hide and seek ? I go, you search for me" she said as she winked at him.

Jack pinched himself, see if he was dreaming as it was too good to be true. But he wasn't dreaming, that was reality, he felt like the luckiest guy in the World.

She went out, going somewhere in the forest, he stayed at the kitchen table and counted to 10. After that, he got up, and head to her trail. That's when he saw them : her clothes, spread on the ground. Knowing the implication gave him a massive rush of blood, and he decided he might as well imitate her. He took off his clothes and walked to the forest.

He didn't need to seek for too long, Nurja jumped on him and pinned him down against a tree.

"You... uhm... you lost" he said.

She giggled. "Did I ?"

I'm pretty happy with how this one turned out to be, as this project evolved in a lot of direction in its creation. From one pose to multiple pose, soundless to sound effect, ect.... I hope you will all like it ! Cheers people !!!!

Models by CreepyChimera and LordAardvark 


Lust in the leaves_FULL.mp4 

Lust in the leaves_1080.mp4 

Lust in the leaves_720.mp4 

Lust in the leaves_low.mp4 




I know it would be massively more difficult (altered soft body physics, more IK work) but: any sane man in this situation is not going to be holding on to the tree, he's going to be holding on to dem tiddies!
