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In diesem Podcast spreche ich mit Gynäkologe Dr. Friedrich Gill (https://www.frauenarzt-drgill.at) über Harnröhrenspiele.

Wir sprechen über Gefahren, die Lust dabei und wie du damit beginnen kannst wenn du noch wenig Erfahrung hast.

Beim Sounding oder Stuffing wird ein Harnröhrenvibrator oder Stab in die Harnröhre von Mann oder Frau eingeführt.

Stehst du da drauf? Hast du das schonmal ausprobiert? Bitte beschreibe in den Kommentaren was dir daran Lust bereitet, wenn du Tipps dazu hast oder Erfahrungen gemacht hast.

Ich bin sehr gespannt.

Nächste Woche kommt dann FIX ein Video für alle Sockenliebhaber ;)

SOUNDING & Catheter Play

<code><code>In this podcast, I'm talking to gynecologist Dr. Friedrich Gill (https://www.frauenarzt-drgill.at) about urethral games.</code></code>

Below you find the English Transkript!

We talk about dangers, the pleasure of it and how you can start with it if you have little experience.

With sounding or stuffing, a urethral vibrator or rod is inserted into the urethra of men or women.

Do you like that? Have you tried this before? Please describe in the comments what makes you want to do it, if you have any tips or experiences.

I am very excited.

Next week there will be a Video for all Sock Lovers ;)

Here is the English translation for you:

Sandra :

Hey Patrons! Welcome to another podcast.

Either youre into this kink yourself or you clicked on this because porn has already familiarized you with the concept of SOUNDING aka urethra insertion aka peehole insertion.

Most people, myself included, have stumbled upon this kink in bdsm porn where the submissive part is tied down and the dominant part is taking care of their urethra.

Since I didn't want to talk about this subject all by myself and because i wanted to take a closer look at the medical side of it, I decided to invite my good friend and colleague Professor Dr. Friedrich Gill. Some of you might recognize him from other podcasts we've done together.

Gill: this is a new environment for me, I'm very excited about this.

Sandra: I'm so happy that you guys are going to get to know him. He's been a practicing gynaecologist for 35 years now, meaning he has a lot of experience already, even in the field of urethra penetration. I know this is usually a more common thing for men, because I've read about it being used by

Urologists on occasion. For example if a man has trouble pissing, he might be treated by stretching his urethra. This makes SOUNDING a medical kink.

The same thing is true for women of course. Which is why I'm asking myself : How could this possibly turn someone on?

Gill: just listening to you is enough to make me uncomfortable. The biggest difference is that a woman's urethra is approx. 4cm long, after which you reach the bladder, while a typical man's urethra is much longer.

Sandra: Typical means about 14cm, right?

Gill: Right. And there's an immense amount of risks. If a penis isn't erect and you insert something into it, I cannot imagine there to be any kind of pleasure in that kind of pain. But apparently there's a whole bunch of people who enjoy that ...

Sandra : Yeah!

Gill : or think they have to/can enjoy it. But keep in mind guys, this is some seriously dangerous stuff.

Sandra: Of course. However, Dr. Gill, I'm not gonna invite you again, if you try talking my viewers out of their kinks, alright? I believe that people should do whatever they want, as long as they're being sensible about it.

And if youre into urethra stimulation yourself, please, do not try it if you have no idea what youre doing. First, understand what youre doing, talk to someone with more experience. Because, youre absolutely right, if youre doing this at home because youre into it, and youre using pencils or nails or whatever else, remember that all of this could potentially get stuck inside your urethra and need to be surgically removed. And I'm sure no one wants that.

Gill: No, i don't think so either. If youre doing it, the focus should be on pleasure, but always using a measured and targeted approach.

Sandra: Alright, please let me know down below in the comment section if youre into this and what exactly you like about it.

Alright, i know this isn't really comparable, but i've had to get surgery exactly once so far, and they used a catheter on me, during the surgery, so i wasn't even aware of it happening. So, when i woke up I was angry about missing it because if I had witnessed it, I might now be able to understand the whole thing better. However, once they got rid of the catheter, well, let's just say there was absolutely no pleasure in that pain. Then again, maybe you can't really compare it, because i wasn't exactly in the most relaxed, pleasure-inducing situation at that time, it was rather embarassing, but still it was much more of an actual pain.

And recently my urologist took a urethra test sample because of a UTI, which wasn't exactly comfortable either. It's kind of like a very intense, constant need to go take a piss.

Gill: Thats a fitting description. And well, if youre into this kink, please make sure everything you use is clean and sterile, because the risk of infection is massive. Especially since an infection or an injury in this region of your body, is pretty much impossible for a doctor to repair or fix.

Sandra: Right, so in that case you'd need a permanent catheter.

Gill: Yeah. In a worst case scenario this could even lead to life-long incontinence.

Sandra: Well, there's still a large number of people who are into this. I can imagine that part of the appeal is the large amount of pain is causes where the submissive part feels like he is being tortured. I'll be honest, I've watched some of these videos myself and I've found them pretty hot too. Since the whole idea of using catheters and inserting things into the urethra is pretty crazy and unconventional, it leads to the whole feeling of "oh, the sub definitely cannot want that to happen, oh how cruel".

A friend of mine, who works as a urologist recently told me that he treated a couple, where the girl had managed to lose a urethra vibrator inside of herself, meaning it got into her bladder.

Gill: Yeah, if that happens, it goes into the bladder.

Sandra: Which means that you need to surgically remove it or is there another way?Sort of like you can get a candle out of someone's anus by hand, if youre lucky?

Gill: Well, I think because of the sheer  difference in size, it is much more difficult in the urethra. And if such a vibrator, who is gonna have a certain lenght as well, gets caught up inside the bladder, I think it'd be about as easy as painting a whole room through the keyhole, which is to say it wouldnt work.

Sandra: Is it possible to stimulate a man's prostate by inserting something into the urethra? I've read that somewhere

Gill: I cannot imagine that, just for anatomical reasons alone. Massaging the prostate is much, much easier anally. And I'm sure there's quite a lot of people who enjoy that too. But getting to the prostate via the urethra is pretty much only possible with an endoscope and even then it is probably anatomically impossible to stimulate the prostate.

Sandra: Something else many people are into is stretching the urethra to the point where you can insert bigger and bigger things into it. Of course this also works anally, but since this is the primary reproductive organ, this might be way more exciting.

Gill: Yeah, I can imagine that too. Many, many years ago I used to live in San Francisco, with its very vibrant gay scene and even back then there were certain bars with pictures on the walls where I thought I wasn't seeing straight. Among them there were scenes of urethra penetration and insertion that I dont even want to see in my worst fever dreams.

Sandra: Yeah, we know that you aren't  exactly a fan of this. But, does the muscle contract again afterwards? Just like when a woman is being fisted?

Gill: No, not at all.

Sandra: Alright, so it's more like if you got your earlobe pierced and keep the ear extended for a while, the hole stays like that.

Gill: Exactly. And I think that it's going to stay open forever which is probably very uncomfortable.

Sandra: Again, please share your experiences/interests regarding sounding in the comments. I think it's a tiny bit easier for us women to experience this sort of urethra stimulation because we have a U- (Urethra) Spot. Which is located more towards to entrance of the Urethra and there's a whole bunch of toys that are available even in regular sex stores to stimulate that spot. Of course, you can also just use a finger or a tongue. You're not licking the clitoris, but instead the urethra itself. Apparently this is very sexually exciting. I suppose you've heard of the U-Spot aswell?

Gill: Oh yeah, I know what you're talking about.

Sandra: And there's not much that can go wrong when stimulating the U-Spot. As always though, clean your sex toys, guys, use toy cleaner! And also, if you decide to insert something into yourself, disinfect it beforehand! Remember, there's an increased risk of not only infection, but also injury, especially when it comes to sounding. And those are, as Dr Gill said, very hard to fix.

Gill: Exactly. Such an interesting, new topic yet again.

Sandra: Alright my dear patrons, thank you so much for joining me today! As always I'm glad to read your messages, ideas, feedback, so if you have any recommendations, suggestions or even questions to Dr. Gill, just send them my way.

Also, please remember to share your take on this subject with me : your experiences with it, your thoughts and opinions!

Thank you for listening, until next time!



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