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John Smith

This episode really digs deep into The Doctors morales, where he inherits far too much and ends up seeing himself as the villain in the end. Personally, I really enjoy this episode, very different to a lot of the stand alones in Who. Looking forward to the final two specials, keep it up!

Mark Ward

One of my favourite episodes ever because of where it takes the Doctor's character - and it really makes sense bearing in mind the losses he has had in recent episodes. The story itself is good anyway - just that knowledge that they all must die makes it incredibly grim watching throughout... I think Tennant's performance is extraordinary here and Lindsay Duncan matches him with one of my favourite ever guest performances. There was basically a year off for Doctor Who the year this was on - I can't remember the exact dates but The Next Doctor was Christmas, Planet of the Dead was Easter time, Waters of Mars was Hallowe'en I think? Then the two parter was at Christmas time. So yes, the 5 specials replaced the normal season that year.