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The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 7 "The Aftermath" (REACTION )

Watch The Legend of Korra Season 1 Episode 7



The fandom is pretty much agreed that Korra and Mako are both in the wrong for the kiss ^^. However Korra and Bolin had only gone on one date at that point and Korra mostly agreed because of how well they got on. With Mako, Korra was honest and direct about her feelings for him and she decided to take Bolin up on his offer of a date, after she was turned down and again it was one date. Not several weeks of dating lik Asami and Mako. Korra was clearly in the wrong to kiss Mako while he was dating Asami, no arguments there. Mako though was jealous of Korra's decision to go on a date with Bolin (despite Mako having already turned her down and being involved with Asami at the time) Korra wasn't in any way wrong to consider dating someone else, as Mako told her that he didn't feel that way about her, so Bolin asks her on a date and she decided to give it a shot as they have a lot in common, also they are the only people she actually knows in Republic city, outside of Tenzin's immediate family. Mako is the one who acts like a child after her date, as though Bolin had stolen his crush and got jealous of Korra going on a date with him at all. It's very obvious Mako doesn't know what he wants, which was shown in the first scene of the episode when Bolin asks Mako what he thinks of Korra as a potential partner meaning for himself, yet Mako responds purely from his own perspective with 'she's great but I think it makes more sense to go for Asami' right here, it's made 100% clear that Mako doesn't know which girl he likes more. Because of this, he gave Korra completely mixed signals on whether he likes her or not. By first saying 'no I don't like you' and the acting jealous and saying 'how could you date Bolin, you're just doing this to get back at me'. That sort of thing would be confusing for anyone at Korra's age, and unlike the rest of us, Korra has been isolated in the South Pole and sheltered since early childhood with no friends and barely any social interactions before arriving in Republic City. Korra doesn't know anything outside of her duty as the Avatar, she doesn't know how to relate to people her own age, her only friend and sole companion in the world was Naga before meeting Bolin and Mako. On top of this Korra is aggressive and headstrong like Zuko, now put all of that inside of one teenage girl, given flimsy advice and mixed signals by the - happily married wife Pema who happened to steal Tenzin from Lin (btw she just confessed her feelings to Tenzin who then broke up with Lin as a result of that, it's never stated anywhere in the series that Tenzin cheated). Regardless I think what she did was still a bad thing but less so than if she actually cheated with Tenzin. Pema as an adult told Korra to go for it and be honest, and from that as well as Mako giving her 'I like you, no I don't like you' signals and that's why. Is it wrong 100% yes, but the blame lies with more people than just Korra. This doesn't make the fact that she kissed Mako okay, or excuse it. I do agree she should have gotten in more trouble over it. Also I feel Avatar TLA at times despite being amazing and really well written, gave the characters an out and presents humanity as being overly rosy. Real people are a bit more complex, we get that complexity in Zuko, Azula, Iroh, Katara, but other characters can fall short. TLA despite the themes and messages it shows which are good and important ones, doesn't show the comparison of a world with benders and non-benders, or different systems of government and societal changes to the same degree as Legend of Korra does. Which is a darker show and presents people as being more imperfect, which means sometimes they do selfish things. As you stated once quite astutely the audience of TLA has aged up and was around the age of Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami at the time this was made, so rather than push cheating as a message, I think the show's point is that even good people can do bad or selfish things at times. Which while bad and selfish is okay because we learn from the bad as well as the good. I think that episode is a lesson, not a haha cheating is great moment. It seems even the Avatar, the person responsible for maintaining balance in the world does the wrong thing at times. We were shown some very complex elements in TLA, also recall that the villains from TLA not Ozai but Iroh, Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee were all more complex than it first seemed and even Azula wasn't the complete monster that she built herself up to be. LOK deals often with people's inner demons as well as the outer foes they face. Also in TLA - Aang got out of having to sacrifice or take a hit to his principles in order to save the world. Now I love Aang he's my favourite character, but was he forced to kill like the other Avatars have been, did he have to stain his own hands in order to stop a worldwide war. No, at the last second a lion turtle shows up to give him the exact right power to save the day without having to compromise anything. This is what I mean. Korra is full of people trying, failing and attempting to find their way and grow just like teenagers and young adults do in real life. Korra has a lot of flaws such as being aggressive, emotional and quick to act where Aang was controlled most of the time, hesitant and preferred to avoid conflict or facing his responsibilities as the Avatar. Korra embraces being the Avatar and it encompasses all of who she is for a while but she grows. Korra, Mako, Bolin, and all of the rest despite their flaws and mistakes are forgivable and they still try to be good people.


This is a great perspective! You're right about the lesson probably being "good people can do bad things" and still be good people. I also agree that maybe it is good to not show the world as completely smelling of roses. You've really made us think! Thank you ☺


I'm so sorry I didn't realise how long the comment got until after I sent it ^^ and then I was like 'do I delete some of this?'