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Hello dearest Patrons!

From now on I'll start to release exciting and important announcements of my project Pleasurebonbon Next. But it would be too much in one time So I'll tell you something new every week. Please, feel free to tell and share these news you will get in advance! First, I want thank you for your money in the past two years with which I bought a new web domain. From now on I'm living only with Patreon income, because R. is likely to take all PBonBon.com income for himself. Beside, he bought every web site with the name pleasurebonbon, so the only domain I've found available was https://pleasurebonbon-next.com 

Hence, the new series will be published there, and patrons will be able to login with their patreon account, download their rewards and access exclusive content! So this place will be a blog with news and updates of pleasurebonbon-next.com In this way I'll be able to take off the enforced NSFW flag that hides me from searching.

Why a reboot?

First of all, it helps me to start over again with this new fresh and ambitious project, now only mine. Also, it helps everyone to clearly understand what works is funded via Patreon. In fact, the new pages will be available only on https://pleasurebonbon-next.com I will run alone, I'll not share with another payment site, so if you see them somewhere else it means someone is stealing my work. 

The new site will be free! Why?

Because I think that the payment system on  PBonBon.com  is obsolete and not working anymore, and I believe that a different approach is necessary.

So now my site will be different. A free comic for everyone!

Patrons will have exclusive rewards like: all the contents in advance, work in progress, inked pages, biggest pages in better resolution, video process of my drawing,  sketches, Mini Bon Bon’s and...surprise surprise: the developing of the video game of PBB!

But this time the video game will not made by me, I will only supervise the design and storyline of the game. In fact, I think the old  PBonBon.com  was becoming too much a games site where the comic was a reward and I didn’t like it. That was keeping me busy for years to develop games ideas and I was not able to focus on the comic pages because I was too tired. This time I only want to draw the comic pages.

I never had manage the sales of  PBonBon.com  and now that I've leave the site R. is the only manager, the future earnings never be shared with me , the site still will run without me. I will restart alone to create my original comic, there will be no updates from me on the old site, only games developed by R. with the old contents, recovered. 

To demonstrate that I'm am serious, this is the link at my new site:


Ok ok...it is still under construction, don't be too critique LOL, it is a demo and it needs updates, but this is a trust and thankful matter, I'm showing you the very first step!

You know that Rome wasn't built in a day but you'll not have to wait too much.

Oh, speaking of waiting...

are you afraid that PBB Reboot will be take the same time as the first series?

Eh eh don't worry! ;)

The reboot will be more fast!

No longer having to draw for video games I will be able to focus on the pages of the comic, and rest, so I will not be stressed anymore, also there will be no more people to share half of my money and I will be more motivated. Since I was depressed to work hard to share in any case with someone else. Maybe I did not give always my best because this bothered me.

I will prepare some material in advance so there will be no delays and I will publish one page a week.

Each chapter will contain TWO chapters of the original series, so the issues will be cut in half, but will contain more history, new and different scenes.

The cutted scenes from the first series are many, I will cut something that is useless for the main plot, the filling scenes that make the story slow and incoherent. If I wanted to do a chapter without sex scenes to maintain a continuous narrative, I could not. I had to stop and fit random sex. Some chapter was really disappointing for me. The slowness of PBB story was due to these forced insertions.   

Also I have new working tools and new skills. Thanks to my supporters I was able to upgrade my work. The reboot will have a new fresh style, modern and linear, still detailed but with a style that I'm study to maintain a constant work rhythm and a producing schedule.

There are still a lot of things to say more about the reboot of PBB but for now I'm stopping here.

Now, may I have your trust and support? I hope so. Now that's only you and me without filters and intermediaries. 

If you have any questions feel free to write me a message.

I will reply to you as soon as I can.




You've got my full support, 100%. Though i'm a bit curious. When you you say that you'll be re-booting the whole series, does that mean you are starting back at issue one? or you'll just be updating the look of all the previous issues?


I was also wondering, will there be a section of the new website where us artistic fans will be able to upload and share our PBB related fan art/ fan fics?


It's great news. I can't wait to see how this develops. I'd love to a section for the character portraits you've drawn. Just so they're gathered in one place and are easy to find.


I thought you were just going to continue PBB from where it was left off on the PBB site, but this is going to be interesting. Admittedly, the random sex scenes were a touch distracting, although not unpleasant. Will you still be getting help drawing the sex scene that will be in the comic, or will you be tackling them yourself this time? And might you still be doing the occasional sexy pin-up? I'm assuming there won't be "additional" characters, this time around? I'm very curious to see how this reboot will turn out. And very eager to see my favourite scenes again. :D I have to admit, I'm quite curious to see how it will compare overall, as well; will it be sexier? naughtier? more reserved? Whatever the case, I wish you nothing but the best of luck on this endeavour. P.S. You might not want me without filters. ;)


So many questions Silvador, but that's fine! I will reply at your first question for the moment because it is important to explain why a reboot from chapter #1. Two reasons: for the new style and ahestetic coherent for all the opera. And to not creare confusion between the new product and old one, that must be separate for a matter of interests. This is important, listen : I know if I continued the PBB series from chapter 17 I would only give a present to R. Because doing the chapter # 17 of the original series ... people would go to the PBB.com site to read the first 16 chapters and will pay for the amusement of all the wonderful universe that I created, I created every single graphic of that beautiful site and I know that is attractive…but why bring other customers to R.? He will do not give me more a cent for my work. He can download the new the pages of chapter # 17 in many ways to encrease his customer and finish the series. Maybe from a pirated site or with a friend's account on Patreon ... and then he can update the comic on the main site pretending that I'm still there to take money from customers from the original series! to continue it from chapter #17, so he could continue the series, keep selling and making money without me. It does not have to be this way. I want PBB.com to lose all readers, that PBB comic must remain unfinished until I get it all back. When I will recover the OLD series I can have two versions. The original one with Royal members, sex and all... and the mature one. You know what R said me yesterday? " I think after market posting on pbb could still help with getting customers to say this comic is free but presented here as a organization archive" Really?? He want to takes my future free pages and then sell them as an after market archive??? No no no. I cant' continue from chapter #17 or he will publish it with this stupid idea and takes money pretending that I am with him. He has always had these crazy ideas and the complaints have always fallen on me!


A fair and understandable reason. I have absolutely no objection to a complete do-over of the comic, from the beginning. As I said, I look forward to seeing how it will turn out. Many of the questions I asked, I'm sure, will be answered simply with time. I'm a firm believer that one should be in complete control of their own creation, as such I fully support you, the creator of this wonderful world, not a publisher, or agent, or any other medium, but the mind and genius, the driving force behind the world and its characters. It's the reason I chose to come to Patreon, so that I could better support you and your creation of this world directly. I'm sorry to hear that you and R. do not appear to be on good terms with one another, but if it is your decision to take this path then I believe it is your prerogative. As long as I enjoy the world, characters, and story of Pleasure BonBon, I will continue to support you, money permitting. Once more, I wish you all the luck going forward and eagerly await experiencing Pleasure BonBon Next.


Yes. A gallery of the main characters. Maybe with a short description. I like reading those, as they can help me get some insight into why the character is acting in a certain way in the comic. I really enjoy the small things you tell about your characters. Recently you wrote something about Dorian, for example. It was completely new information to me, and I'd love to see it all gathered in one place.


It is nice to see your dream continuing, my friend.

Grey 'Greycat' Silvermane

I'm happy to see you moving forward. When the site launches I'd be happy to contribute some of my works for it as both fan and support. I was meaning to do that on the old site, but I had other obligations at first and then I heard about the falling out XP I still have them started and I can finish them when the site is up and running. I just want to help because you deserve it. Also I hope you'd keep my character popping up in the background of the new series ;3


Hi Krystian!It's so nice to see you again! When the site will open the fan art will be welcome. I'm sorry if, from what I understand, you had an experience similar to mine. I hope to complete this saga that actually has an ending, it is not infinity LOL , and I can not wait to finish it :) This freedom will allow me (I hope) to publish on paper, finally! This is my dream. I can not wait to see such a result in my hands.

Grey 'Greycat' Silvermane

I haven't had any problems, I just heard from people like Mlocke and other sources. I just had a lot of real life commitments so I had to put PBB contributions on hold. I'll be happy to contribute there as well I'm happy you remember about me (maybe when you get to issues 6,7,8 content I'll get to see what happened in Prive #5 o^^o). Also I hope you don't mind I keep them similar to the original style. Although I feel a bit awkward right now because I also have some fanart for Vixine (the original 2002 comic) started.


you go girl take life by the horns and control it your self!


Oh...well,please not hear MLock about PBB matters... Talk with him of everything you want, be friend of him, but not talk about PBB with him. We were friends but now no more, so what he say around of PBB and me can't be accurated at 100% because he has mixed feelings . For this reason I blocked him on facebook. He is a gossipy boy and I received and read some reports about, sigh. It is a matter of privacy and respect. But feel free to be friend with him :) Only, talk to me about PBB, please, because I read a lot of fake news that people report to me -_- Feel free to ask me any questions :)

VanessaSan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 14:50:44 Thank you! ( speaking of horns my zodiac sign is the bull! >:D )
2018-01-10 15:15:33 Thank you! ( speaking of horns my zodiac sign is the bull! >:D )

Thank you! ( speaking of horns my zodiac sign is the bull! >:D )

Grey 'Greycat' Silvermane

Don't worry, I haven't talked much him about PBB, just in passing and really long ago. I can tell if a topic is ill advised ^^ Other than that I don't really have questions for now. I'll be keeping an eye out for the progress and when everything's really I'll try to help out ^^