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Keema Aul'Tuma holds a prominent position as one of the esteemed personal guardians and escorts for Ezria Ul'Patricia and Xelthia Al'Patricia, alongside Akkal Aul'Kainus. As the second-in-command within the Maroon Palace guard, her allegiance lies solely with Akkal or Lord Ignacio Al'Ganz.

Though her tenure alongside the Twin Consorts spans only a few years, Keema has cultivated an invaluable bond with them. Frequently joining them on their excursions through Ambrosia's opulent markets, she has seamlessly integrated herself into their circle. Additionally, her close rapport with Tuli Ul'Verda, rooted in their shared faith in the Pantheon of the Wild, provides her with a sanctuary to discuss spiritual matters—a welcome respite from the rigors of her guard duties. Periodically, she and Tuli embark on pilgrimages to the Behemoth's Back Mountains, ascending to the highest peaks to renew their sacred oaths to the Bear and Owl spirits through profound communion.

The Maroon Gardens stand as Keema's preferred sanctuary for training, offering an escape from the structured environment of the Rosewarden Keep. Adorned with the most exotic and rare flowers available, some of which are exclusive to these gardens, the gardens are meticulously tended and guarded by a contingent of Rosewarden Guards to deter intruders along the central path leading to the palace. Under the vigilant watch of Tuli Ul'Verda and her subordinates, these gardens host exclusive summer gatherings where influential nobles convene for fine wine and sophisticated entertainment.

Within the palace grounds lie secluded areas for conversation and combat practice. Numerous sand pits scattered throughout the gardens serve as arenas for Rosewarden guards engaged in sparring sessions, a familiar sight for Keema, who embraces such challenges. Confident in her warrior prowess, she often adopts a unique strategy when faced with overconfident Rosewarden upstarts who believe they surpass her skills. Keema engages in sparring matches with them, clad in nothing but her spear and shield, showcasing her mastery without relying on armor. This approach traces back to her time in the Dominion of Torment, where communal bathing was customary, and she holds no shame regarding her physique.




I really missed Keema!


Didn’t you already- nevermind.