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So for those out of the loop, I’ve been inundated with too many complaints to count about how the new model looks too ‘masculine’. I finally gave up, threw my hands up in the air and said “Fuggit” and tried to make a few changes to lessen the complaints.

Anyways, here y’are!






I was indifferent to how they looked, but they do look cuter now ^^


Very nice.


Huh. I mean, sure, the angular and sharp features looked more masculine than the old ones, but I would not have thought it bothered people so much, I thought it was kind of cool, looked appropriate for demons somehow.


Welp, I'm happy either way, They're both still quite lovely :)


I know, that it hit you hard. You probably know, that for every one who flamed, there were two, who liked it. But probably stayed silent. I say that, because from now on, you must be really hard, when it comes to design choices. Because the crybaby’s know from now on, that it can work, if they scream loud enough. So please, take care and never ever do that again. I support everything you do, janner. I hope, it doesn´t killed your fun. Sounds harder than it is, but I think, you are the most important on that matter. So stay strong, when you work on your male character ^^ Kara-nyan!


Ahhh fuck em'. You're doing fine work and we all know it. Its your art and you do whatever you want with it. From an actual stand point though, I do think the older models made the two look younger and these updated models made them look more mature. I've got nothing against either models to be honest.


Im with Karanthos. Never do this in the future. :O It's your hard work and you did this for FREE. They are awesome, i like both versions alot. And i appreciate what are you doing! \o/ So nice to see you on patreon. ;D


I know it's been said before by people on this post, but whether I found them cute or not , they are after all your artistic creations. I think they look fantastic either way and I thought the new look was bold since it took a step away from the cartoony look, but I enjoy bold artistic ideas/designs.