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One thing I never thought of for my roster of characters are what types of outfits they'd wear on a day to day basis. So here's the result of that.

I made these as character portraits to include in some worldanvil articles.  Here's Xelthia's outfit. More to come!




Julian Daugaard

There's just something about Xelthia. She's too good. And incredibly stylish now

Christian Schmidt

Oh my... wonderful just wonderful! My favorite of the twins! Love that she is a little bit chubby! She looks cute in her clothes! Love the tight fit that hugs her curves! More outfits for the girls pretty please! 😍😍😍👍🏻


Love it!! Finally took a look at your worldanvil. What map making tool do you use?


Ahhhhh, look at that, the trails make a heart :-)