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I'll keep this as short as I can.

There has been a consistent drip-feed of my early access content being leaked to the public before it's due to be released what has frustrated me for quite some time. More frustrating still, it's always happened soon after it's reached the Impish tier, so some people from the Impish tier are doing this and I have no way of telling who it is.

This is why I have two tiers of release. First are the Overlords, who recieve my content a month before the public. Then there's the Impish tier who recieve it 2 weeks before the public.

The reason for the Overlord Tier recieving it a month early was to dissuade dedicated leakers from shelling out $20 to do so.

Because leaked content keeps coming from the Impish tier, I am going to increase the tier price to $2 come the 17th.

If this continues to happen, then I will take more strict measures to mitigate leakage.


Nathan Curd

That’s awful. People are dicks.

Julian Daugaard

It's a shame people have to be like that. But if it's what it takes. It's not too drastic a change either, $2 is still a very fair base tier


Impish af


It's only a dollar up... I'm fine with it


Whoever did it is an asshole.

Christian Schmidt

I don't think this can stop those fools from doing what they do now! The only way to stop this is when you stop creating content! Cause every punishment you try to unleash on those who may be part of this Problem hits those who didn't do anything wrong! That's the cold hard reality! Iam fine with the increase of the impish tier maybe you should delete this tier and create a new one so you sort out some dicks this way!


I dont like this.


You do what you feel is needed. We will support you.




If only the leaked things would cause the growth of subscriptions, in a way that let more viewers see and want to support. Sorry that it keeps happening. I should be able to swing an extra dollar each month if that is what it takes to keep supporting!


I feel like $2 is fair, especially if it helps reduce leaks of your content. As it stands right now your rewards for the tiers is one of the best so it makes sense to adapt if people are abusing it. Wishing you luck on the hunt!


well, while I think a rise from 1 dollar to 2 isn't necessarily that great of a difference, the reasoning I think should be revisited: whoever decides to leak content will probably keep doing it, and if the response to it is to rise it with each leak, then everyone else who isn't leaking the content is the only ones paying for it. Lets say if there was a need to focus on leaking your content, they could possibly be several people dedicated to doing just that, doesn't have to be many either, could be just two persons sharing the low cost of 2 dollars then, but it in turn made everyone else pay more still. I think if the idea is to be more considerate still towards your demographics, it would be better to simply change the reward and not release content earlier on Imp Tier, and instead create another one that's 2 or 3 dollars where you do.


An idea: Imp Tier may be able to see the footage 2 weeks in advanced. However, you put a creative/tasteful but annoying watermark (different than what you already have on the top of videos) so that it both advertises you, allows us to preview the video, and then leaks will be less quality. This will make the Imp tier more of a tip jar, and we just wait till public release to see the HD full video. I do appreciate the 2 weeks early, but I do the $1 per month more of a tip, 'cause there are so many other Patreons that charge a lot more per month.


I enjoy your work! so do whatever you need to protect your material im game.

Jerilyn Nikiel

PLEASE do what is required to protect your content and consider us On Board.


Do what ya gotta do.


Absolutely do what needs to be done!