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Hey, everyone. I've been hard at work getting the new Sha'an model rigged and modeled so I can use her once again. Lemmee run you down the changes.

As you can see, few things have changed from the previous version.

I'm happy with the head profile from V2, which is why I've kept it for V3.
V3, however, has a completely different body shape. It's thinner, more defined in musculature and the tail length is a happy medium between V1 and V2. It's shorter than V2, but not ridiculously short like V1. Plus, it can now be stretched through the tail rig!

The textures got a major overhaul. I kept the color scheme similar, but the scale layout is much more organic. I took inspiration from Zummeng's tribal naga. This also gave me an opportunity to experiment with displacement maps, giving the geometry more definition and complexity than the base mesh has.

Overall I'm quite pleased with the result!


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So many new smells and sights -- nothing to remind her of home. She could mix with the populace of Ambrosia without a thousand eyes locked on her with suspicion -- a feat taught to her by one of the best scholars in the arts of illusion magic. She grew comfortable in her new image, but she had yet to master how to completely blend among Demonfolk.
She had spent the last few months in isolation with her companion that fled with her. She hid in the most secure of locations, hidden from prying eyes and ears, learning all that was required to be part of her new home -- a strange new language, Demonkind’s history and the mysteries of illusionary magic.
She spent the last month travelling across the Dominion of Indulgence under the guise of a life-like illusion that gave Sha’an the appearance of a Demon. Her armed escorts, courtesy of a shady organization she knew as ‘The Silencers’, ventured with her as she was shown the wonders of the Dominion. She had seen the lush Sintallian Forest, trees that twisted into strange shapes unlike anything she had seen. She drowned herself in the rich blossoms and verdant farmlands of the Dusken Rosefields -- explored many gems of Indulgence. She had grown used having company and being around the horned ones, her fascination for their varying colors and horn shapes -- each new demon a new experience, unlike the thousand humans she had seen. This new world was a wonder to be discovered.
A month of discoveries over, she and her companion returned to the safety of their hideout. It was here she could dispel the illusion that had veiled her long form during her travels. Fresh air washed across the entire length of her body, she wasted little time in gathering the many precious goods she had found during her travels -- perfumes, jewels, spices, clothes and more treasures that peaked her interest.
Tendaji, her dear partner and closest friend since they first met, had a similar wanderlust. He had resigned himself to abandoning his old life. He cautiously relished the thought of building it anew without the oppressive scrutiny of the Alshamic priesthood bearing down upon him for his differing faith. His thoughts vanished as his eyes became distracted by Sha’an. The time she had spent in the protection of the Silencers had been too long. It was only too lucky that Sha’an protested to them that he was unable to join her.
Sha’an spun in one swift motion, the familiar sensations of her entire length bringing her such joy. She reveled in the opportunity to be herself once more. To once again run her hands along her soft scales, the sight of the deep maroon-orange hue. Her fingers followed the contour of every curve.
She found Tendaji’s gaze and offered him a smile. She was happy -- an emotion she had not felt in so long. He stared in silence with a different kind of smile -- a familiar look that she had always loved from him -- One that made her heart quicken.
She approached her dark-skinned companion slowly, tail creeping along the floor, her hips and torso swaying enticingly -- a simple dance she knew he enjoyed.
“You don’t hide your enthusiasm very well. Sha’an knowsss this.”
Never one for many words, the shy smile he offered was his answer.
She smiled and flicked her forked tongue out. His scent was familiar to her. A scent which grew stronger now.
Her garments were simpler than her leathers she wore during her days in Al’Kitesh stealing from the rich and wealthy--wealth that was better served benefiting those less fortunate. Now she wore fine demonic silks provided to her by the Silencers. Silks which hugged her form. Silks which were slowly by ever so tantalizingly being unwrapped from her lithe, serpentine body. Nude, she slowly approached, keeping her eyes locked with his. She lowered to the floor, coiling around herself, flicking a tongue through her smile. She laid on her belly and folded her arms, brow raised, Her smile turned mischievous, and hissed once more...
“Please, remind Sha’an of the nights we spent together in Al’kitesh…”



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