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I need to come out and admit something–to come clean about something I’ve been doing for a few years now. It’s not something I’m proud of having done, nor am I going to vehemently defend why I did it. I want to bring this out in the open so I can clear myself of a weight that’s been sitting on my shoulders for some time now–on my own terms.

“Jessica Anner” is simply an online pseudonym that I’ve been using for a few years now. No, I am not female.

The reasons behind me using this pseudonym for so long are long and complicated. The less said about it the better, but a TL;DR version could be summarised with: Got into a cringey online spat with someone whom eventually thought it a good idea to seek out my private information–my name, the names of my family members and my address. Eventually, I received a knife in the mail, which at the time scared me shitless since I’d never been doxed before and I was a naïve early-teen at the time.

So that’s why I donned the pseudonym of ‘Jessica Anner’.

I think a fair bit of time has passed since then. This pseudonym has just brought me nothing but frustration, anxiety and guilt. It was deceptive and immoral–that’s why I want to come out and clear my conscience on my own terms.

No, nobody has threatened me to motivate me to do this. I’m not doing this just because someone has threatened to 'expose’ me or whatever. I am doing this because I feel that honesty is the best policy.
To those who’ve been paying attention, you’ll notice I’ve been trying to rebrand myself as simply 'Janner3D’ or 'Janner’. I feel that simply 'Janner’ is just a better name online. It’s more “gender-neutral”. I would much rather keep my real name private online. 'Janner’ would just be a better name to refer to me as, I believe. Perhaps 'Jan’ in the future? Maybe.

By all means, the smut will continue. I just want to clear a weight off my shoulders. I want to apologize to all those that I deceived in the past. I can understand if some aren’t quick to forgive, and I won’t expect such. Just please know that I am sorry.

For the record, if I end up as a lolcow because of this. Eh, I’ll accept it. 


Collin L.

Dun worry bro, we love you regardless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I've been through the same thing. No knife in my mail, but a hand-placed, hand-written note saying "I know which window is your bedroom". Police weren't much help, so I basically deleted as much evidence of my real name as possible.


I don't think anybody would really hold this against you, anyway - you're niche enough that nobody's gonna make a lolcow out of you.


Doesn't matter, lot of people hide their identity for whatever reason. Doesn't change your work and what you've been doing nor the identity associated with it. Keep on trucking.


Just keep making futa smut and I don't care if you're actually just a lamp.

Christian Schmidt

Your true fans love you no matter what! We Love what you do! Just Keep going you are on the right way!


No shame, mate. A name is just a name; doesn't change the person you are, or the fantastic art that you produce that leads us to support you. We're all at liberty to choose our own internet handles, doubly so in a situation like your's when you've got good reason to want to use a different name. Anyone who's really that upset about the name you've chosen has some bigger issues of their own to sort out.


Oh dang. That's alright, dude! Shit happens sometimes, your reasons are totally justified. No hate here, none at all.

Space Banker

WEW lad. Not surprised.


That is some fucked up stuff that happened to you. Which makes things understandable. However I think you got over it as you came out with it on your own. Those people that leave because the artist isn't a female they can bang in their fantasy have problem. So! Keep up the good work! Your gender doesn't change a thing for me.

Julian Daugaard

What a plot-twist. But does it really matter much? No matter the name, your work is still amazing.


You're good, fam. I know the rules. Guy In Real Life lol Sucks you went through that, but just be you and all is well. >:3


To be completely honest I and a bunch of people on e621 have assumed you were a male using a female moniker for years.


Doxxing sucks. Call yourself JanJan Warlock of the Subterranean Pleasure Dungeon for all I care, I’m just glad you’re still making art. :)


People use pseudonyms all the time. All good and look forward to the next piece of art. :-)


It was kind've cool to think I was viewing work that spawned from a female creator's fantasies, but really this changes nothing. Just do what you want. Dr Seuss said something like "those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."


The transparency is appreciated. But at the end of the day it changes nothing of how I view you, a talented artist.


We cool, fam


How dare you assume I'm not quick to forgive, I'll never forgive you for this! /s

J.S. Bloodwine

Pseudonyms are a good thing. We live in a crazy world and zealots have only proven that they can’t be trusted. They brought is the crusades, the spanish inquisition, salem witch trials, etc… immoral and shame are their words designed to control the population. My advice is to go ahead and feel whatever for being deceptive but at the end of the day smoke a blunt and shrug it off. Sometimes deception is a good thing. Samuel Clemens burned down a huge chunk of Yosemite and boom...Mark Twain. Nobody would buy a book from that asshole Samuel Clemens JanJammer, JanJan, Janblabla but not Jan. Any #Jan will bring up anything and everything tagged with January when people are trying to find your work. Plus name changing should be rare if ever. I’m not that fond of J.S. Bloodwine any longer but hey some of us start out gothic. BTW: I love everything you’ve done. Custom models, custom rigging, textures, character designs, attention to the smallest details in your animations. You do really good with Maya and you’re getting better all the time.


Here for your talent bro, couldn't care less about your plumbing. Just the demons with big tits


Sorry to hear about your earlier trauma, and I can understand why you'd come to the decisions that you did. I think you were right to create a fairly distanced alias and persona for your own protection. But in the end, as many have said, it changes nothing, or at least very little. We appreciate that you are a talented person and you create cool things with your talent, and we will continue to support that. Congrats for shedding the weight from your shoulders, Janner. Take a breath and carry on! :)

Special Psycho

it doesn't matter if you are male or female ... we like who you are and what you do so keep it up! :)

Hans Peter Bak

I don't care which gender you are. You create good art. That's all. ^^

Angelo B.

You did what you had to do to survive. You never as far as I'm aware used your female status to leverage a conversation or such wrong doings. Some times hiding is all we can do. Glad you are safe and now capable of dealing with your problems head on.


It's good to get the weight off. We all do what we can to feel safe.


People are insane, so your reasons are MORE than justifiable, J. Doesn't matter a lick to me whether you're a guy, a girl, or a sentient sea sponge that eats leftover Titanic croutons on the ocean floor...you're one HELL of a talented artist that is worthy of every dollar of support. And what's the importance of an online name anyway? Hell, got a wangdoodle and gladly let people call me "Peggy" all the time. =P You just do you, and the rest will follow suit. You've got mine and many others' unwavering support for your SKILL, not what's between your legs. Well...maybe what's between your girls' legs... =P


Well, dang. That's one less data point for my hypothesis that women are just as perverted as men.


The craziness of the internet can be a bit unnerving and it opens up the world to great things and other things not so much but I wouldn't worry too much about the flak, embrace what ya like!


I appreciate your honesty with us. And, I don't feel any kind of resentment for this at all. I can understand why you hid for so long. But, just so you know, no matter who or what you identify as, WE HERE all appreciate you as a person and a producer. It's a shame there are some bad people out there who threaten others because of childish reasons. I'm just glad you are ok!


No worries.


I figured as much. Makes no difference to me though. Still love your work!


I already figured you were male. I didn't realize it was some secret or something. I don't see why it would matter. Who gives a crap? Call yourself whatever you like.


Eh, assumed you were a guy from the get go, doesn't really matter though. So long as you're feeling better about the situation, then that's great.


Male or female matters little. What truely matters is that you should feel good about what you're creating. If you enjoy something, don't make anyone tell you otherwise. I'm sorry to hear that you had to experience a rather traumatic event in your past, however the fact that you are able to say this is a huge step forward. Keep up your good work and be awesome alright?


Is saying gender neutral the new norm why can’t people say normal anymore or is it because they get offended

Austin Hicks

You have a right to your privacy. Many famous people we "know"-we know only as there stage or pseudonyms


Nothing but love my friend. No shame in it, we all just love your content and want to be apart of your nice little community. Your work is literally God-Tier and I wouldn't trade you for anybody. Keep up the amazing work bud, I know I'll be here to support ya.


Your amazing jane ! Keep up !! ;) im always gonna support you ^^ fear nothing my friend !


Next you're gonna try and tell me that Dr. Dre isn't actually a Doctor.


Dude we’re all gonna love you no matter what, no need to be scared here!

Isaac D Smith

Hey no sweat love your art no matter what.


Hey dude I still think your great keep up the good work and thank you for your sincerity!