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I had been contemplating attempting a frame-by-frame animation for years, but was hesitant to undertake such a challenging and information-intensive task. Nevertheless, I have completed my first serious hand-drawn frame-by-frame animation with 43 unique frames. While it is not perfect, and I still consider it a work in progress, a significant amount of work went into establishing the underlying animation structure, helper lines, and space helper constructions. I drew a rough outline layer over it, leaving out insignificant details. Many lines are still "dancing" and require fixing, some animation sub-sequences I could improve or change. Nonetheless, it has taken a great deal of time and effort, and I need a break and wanted to share my progress with you. Perhaps I will polish and color this animation in the future, but I believe sketchy animations have a unique charm, and I have seen many animations that looked far better before being colored.

And now to have some rest and see the sun a little x)



Я очень рад твоему прогрессу! You're my only favourite furry artist of all time. Желаю успехов! И достатка во всём, что тебе нужно. Ктати, где (сайт, сеть и т.п.) лучше охарактеризовать тебя, чтобы все могли прочитать? Могу по-английски. Могу даже с твоей премодерацией, если будет нужно 🙂.


In awe. I thought this had to be a step into 3D with a sketch filter at first because it was so smooth, with two angles no less. But actually hand drawn frame by frame, incredible work.


Heckin great already

Luna Fluff

Wow! That's a really great animation! I can't imagine how long that could've taken!


Huff, that’s hot. Even in it’s rough form, it’s a really smooth animation.


Damn that looks good. :)


Whiro and Blanket! Heck they're both such sweethearts and this animation is looking SMOOVE, my god.


Thank you very much! :) I honestly don't know what other sites can work like that.. Since my artwork is not really fit for general human audience, it needs some sub-culture community around, like Furaffinity which I already use..