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Hello, everyone!

The beginning of the new year was not nice to me and my family. Started with my dad getting through numerous surgeries. Then we all caught some disease, perhaps, while dangling through all those hospitals trying to get my dad to a hospital admission. One by one we all fell to that. And i've had it the worst. High fever, weakness, blocked nose breath completely and cough for weeks. I'm not sure what it actually was, I thought it was a flu, but now I have my suspicions, because even though the fever is gone, I have some complications on the head. Can't focus on anything that requires high brain activity for more than an hour before it starts to get dizzy. Feeling sleepy all day. And my illness was going quite a bit harder for me than it was for my parents. They've been covid re-vacced not so long ago, and I've missed that re-vac myself. 

Oh well.. Need to catch up now..I will try to focus more on finishing my WIPs and backlog rather than starting new projects. Also need to upload all the finished arts from the past year onto FA. Speaking of that, I was thinking to upload Kyala-with-tea first, but then realized how actually unfinished and unbalanced that picture was. I've spent quite some time to polish her up. Here is the new improved version - http://kodar.org/patreon/content/100/Kyala-release2.png

Also we've had abnormal frosts over here, around -50 degree celsius. Maybe that accounted for my illness too - I could not just stay in home and wait out because my dad's health state was urgent. I did not think frosts like these are even possible where I live, we rarely ever had over -35c all these decades. The house has held okay, only the windows were getting covered in ice.

I'm sorry for making some of you worry. Me and my bad habit of hiding from society when something troublesome happens. I don't know how to get rid of it for good.

Some photos :) 

the beginning of the frosts http://kodar.org/r/photo_2023-02-17_00-50-04.jpg

thermometer got frozen from the inside, shows something below -50c but can't see exactly http://kodar.org/r/photo_2023-02-17_00-50-13.jpg

all the windows were getting covered in ice, was using a heat gun few times a day to get rid of it http://kodar.org/r/photo_2023-02-17_00-49-47.jpg



Dealing with illness for a long time would be very draining. We hope you get better soon!

Deiny (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 09:32:57 Your iced up windows remind me of when I was very young and we lived in a place with single paned windows. When the oil furnace would go out, as it often did from bad maintenance and low fuel, icicles grew on the indoor sills. Later on in life we figured out the trick of head shrinking plastic over the whole window frame, which improved indoor comfort a lot and kept the wood from rotting under constant condensation. Recently I moved to Florida, and such things I'd like to keep as distant memories! Winter is hard. My heart goes out to you <3
2023-02-18 07:11:29 Your iced up windows remind me of when I was very young and we lived in a place with single paned windows. When the oil furnace would go out, as it often did from bad maintenance and low fuel, icicles grew on the indoor sills. Later on in life we figured out the trick of head shrinking plastic over the whole window frame, which improved indoor comfort a lot and kept the wood from rotting under constant condensation. Recently I moved to Florida, and such things I'd like to keep as distant memories! Winter is hard. My heart goes out to you <3

Your iced up windows remind me of when I was very young and we lived in a place with single paned windows. When the oil furnace would go out, as it often did from bad maintenance and low fuel, icicles grew on the indoor sills. Later on in life we figured out the trick of head shrinking plastic over the whole window frame, which improved indoor comfort a lot and kept the wood from rotting under constant condensation. Recently I moved to Florida, and such things I'd like to keep as distant memories! Winter is hard. My heart goes out to you <3