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I think it's done? Probably? x) Changed the tail again, maybe this time I got this right? Unique, functional and more convenient than the double tail idea? Updated lore is here too.


The cave-dragons are adapted to living in the vast cavern systems. They've got a peculiar tail, the tail tip is split into 3 prehensile appendages, which can grab and catch things. The tail and sharp claws  are helping them to climb the walls and cling onto stalactites to ambush their prey from above. The eyes can see in the dark and the fangs are venomous, the venom paralyzes smaller prey and quickly narcotizes larger creatures. 

The webbed spine crest can be used to glide through the caves, along with weak levitation power, taking advantage of winds and thermal updrafts flowing through the caverns, they can stretch these "wings" and fold, but can't really flap and fly. Usually colored in soft shades of pink, blue, green and gray, with many bioluminescent spots, which gather mostly under the "wings" and form strings along the body. The eye iris, ears and tail tip are also luminous. The luminosity is blue or green light, may be controlled willingly and indicates mood and health in a casual relaxed state. Cave dragons got no horns, only the soft webbed ears.

The females can rarely be born black colored. 

Adult cave dragons are usually living and hunting solitary, gathering together for important occasions, the queen is chosen by her rare black color, in case if the current queen passes away or chooses to resign that title, the next newborn black one becomes the queen, there can be a few black dragons in the tribe at the same time, but only a newborn may become the new queen. This rule was accepted to end the fight for power which used to cause some grief in the past, even though the queen is more a formal figure nowadays than absolute ruler.

The society is tribal and simple, they know common dragon clawrite and there is a "cave of legends", where they keep the tribe's records and teach the young. They know and make fire, but don't craft much tools and accessories, fire is used for cooking mostly, they love roasted meat but can only afford it during big celebrations as finding firewood and making fire in the caves is problematic. 

All the cave dragons gather two times a year for the mushroom harvest celebration. The cave mushrooms are cultivated and the most valued ones have got half a year growing cycle, some of them are delicacy, and some of them are used in craft and trade. This is a good occasion to gather whole the tribe for a while, to socialize, find new mates, exchange goods and write records in the cave of legends. The queen leads celebrations and talks business with guests from the outside world. This is the best time for a traveler to visit the cave dragons tribe. During the harvest celebrations the cave dragons are particularly flirty, and actively seek a mate or exotic experience with other dragon species, but no known hybrids of cave dragons and other tribes were ever recorded.

Cave dragons rarely leave their underground world and travel outside. The open sun hurts their eyes and irritates the luminous skin, so the very few of them that live or travel outside are nocturnal and wear hooded capes, some times sunglasses.


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