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Luna is having a mud-bath, her friend Astra is watching the process with amusement x)


This one took me quite a lot of time combined.. I was trying to come up with interesting camera angle and pose for the given scene, it left me with tons of doodles, but ended up with something more subtle. Guess I'm not ready yet for some of the more ambitious versions I had in mind there x) I need so much more practice.. 

Then I have submerged into this state of focusing on something and avoiding social distractions to flesh it out. But this is actually something that bothers me. I really need to STOP doing that, this is not good x\ People get worried, gaps in content appear and worst of all, I get my sleep schedule messed up pretty bad. And then I'm reluctant to get back to read all the mail, comments and other social network, and explain myself, because it has piled up during this time. Sorry guys, trying to fix your own issues is not easy, takes time to break bad habbits xD I also need to set up daily schedule with limited amount of time for artwork, and have a healthy sleep...

Okay, enough of that x) The picture above is going to need a few more days, background is blurry and sketchy at distance, mud puddle special effects are not there yet and characters could use some refinement, but I'm going to  switch to another things for a while.

Artwork give away - got some interesting ideas and really detailed descriptions there, thank you, everyone! I got all the requests sorted and put into special folder! :) I will contact you personally if I have any questions when the work begins, there is no special order in which i'm doing these give-away pictures, and I will try to spread them evenly among my other projects.



It's an interesting mix of different techniques. I see what looks like a real photo, plus lots of different brushes. Even if it looks sketchy and unfinished to you, it's still an interesting piece, and it's good practice!