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Make sure you're equipped well, when going out in the wilds!

I carry most of that stuff more or less on any remote forest walk, some times there is also a hunting rifle or shotgun with bandolier.

PS: I'm experimenting with small subtle changes to my dragon self design. From now on,  Chara and I will have 5 fingers on forepaws and 4 on hindlegs(Chara has already gotten that update on the lastest couple journal pics ). Also the lower jaw and cheeks are no longer colored in light purple. 

PPS: Oh, and there is a minor update on one of the older pics, I thought to upload it to FA and decided to toss some minor changes. made her thighs a bit less bulky, polished the slit a little(them females love that I hear xD) and added a SFW version x)




Luna Fluff

You forgot about how much cuteness you carry on both of you too! :D