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Well, that latest fix didn't last for long, yesterday my comp didn't turn on again. And this time nothing has helped me to revive it, conclusion was that this is chipset soldering fail. Perhaps a professional reballing could have given it a bit more life, but that's something out of my abilities and my reach at this moment, and it does not solve this issue long term anyways, an old reballed chip won't have the same durability as a new one. This motherboard has lasted me for many years, like close to ten years or so. I've tried to find a replacement for this outdated socket motherboard but couldn't find anything worth buying atm... Long story short, I have changed the socket format to AM4, bought the motherboard, CPU and memory accordingly. Of course by using more loan money. This was quite a depressing moment. Surely, among my astronomical overall debts this wasn't a big deal, but still, feels bad, like this bank slavery trap is endless, keeps getting bigger faster than I can close it. Also had a few shots of cognac because of that, and that shiet happened to be bad, so i'm feeling sick today. :[

Oh well...  Maybe the timing was still alright... Our national currency value sinks rapidly, and the prices on all the electronics would inevitably skyrocket in the nearest future, with no hope to ever falling back. I hope this new motherboard will last me for many years too x)



I hope things will get better for you eventually...


I feel for you, technology is a wonderful thing when it works lol


I hope your misfortune becomes fortune, and i look forward to seeing more art from you, and you can continue your challenge, however im sure there are those who would enjoy seeing you getting BDSM spanked especially if chara is somehow involved 😁

Luna Fluff

*Snuggles the purple dragon!* I definitely feel you on the whole trap thing, when I got credit a while ago. I thought it was really cool to get things and not having to worry about paying for it all at once. But when interest and fees start to kick in, it's terrible. But I'm sure your new motherboard will work out just fine!And you're still the best purple dragon around! :D