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So, I only had like 2 days off this entire year x) And this is how it went...


....after 2 days sitting there in the forest I finally managed to start the engine then returned home and spent 2 more days removing the water and dirt from underneanth the carpets and fixing mechanical things :[ Oh well... Clearly the black gryphon was not ready for the forest yet.. But I just wanted a couple days off, I thought this wasn't too much to ask... Didn't even do really extreme offroad there, there was a deep mudhole, the water level was high, around the headlights but not that high to get into the air duct actually. For some reason the truck did cross the mudhole and stalled near the end of it, where the water was shallow. I used hand winch to pull it out to a dry place for repairs.



Rest in peace truck gryphon :x