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Hello, friends! 

So, the year 2017 has ended and 2018 has come! Looking back at 2017, it was a busy time of hard work, but nothing catastrophic at least, it felt almost like a vacation after 2016. Working to build me a new home, to solve endless paperwork and bureaucracy questions. And of course it was marked as the year, when artwork has become my main and only "job", altough I don't consider it really a job - I love drawing, and i'm happy that I can finally devote my life to it! Thank you very much! :)

What do I think of 2018 and the nearest future... I think around the autumn, if everything would go well, I should open a weekly comic, in a vast fantasy universe, with dragons of course, and many other sapient creatures :) I was thinking about it for years now, but I really needed the knowledge and experience first, and that's what i'm going to work at! I will keep practicing and studying, there will be 1-2 page mini-comics along the way. I really want some engaging story and characters to develop... But big detailed single pictures won't go anywhere, this is another thing I really want to improve - coloring and lighting technique, overall drawing speed, drawing stamina... And the freedom of camera angles, advanced locomotion, animation even, there is so much exciting stuff to learn! :) And not quite exciting but really important things too - like time management(I fail pretty bad at it), setting up work and rest schedule, I'm getting myself exhausted and burned out way too often.

In the nearest future, I still need to do December calendar picture, then give-away sketches will follow. New give-away batch will be open this month. There are also some minor things to take care of, like Patreon itself, I will probably change the way my rewards are distributed, there are some bad people among furry community that use bots to steal paid content, and it just came out of hand, something needs to be done about it. I'm still not quite happy that I can't always provide enough special rewards for each tier, because of the nature of artwork, some times there is just no "nsfw versions" or "sketches", as you spend much time drawing one big sfw picture, I'm open to suggestions about that!

Well, I hope I did not tire you out with this huge wall of bad english(don't worry, for the big comic project, i'm going to find people who will help me fix it) xD Will see you soon with new artwork! <3




It is wonderful news! I am glad to hear that the worst seems to have passed. Rest assured that I will, as longs as I don't loose my job for some reason, continue to support your journey.


As long as we still see art from you ^.=.^ all we care about is what makes YOU happy Kodar :) &lt;3