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Reward picture for Tango. Tango and Erna are exploring some creepy place, Erna is not scared at all! x) This picture took me quite a while to finish.. I was trying new tricks and knowledge with lighting and layers structure, this experience should be useful :) Dark pictures are a challenge for my ancient hardware, the drawing tablet has got issues with colors and gamma. Hopefully I got this right anyways x)

 edit: made it public 



Luna Fluff

Considering how old your tablet is I'd say you did just fine... I think I can see what you mean with the greyish dark area with the skeleton, (the dragon skull is a nice touch btw x)) but there's not much you can do if it's your hardware. I'm also just a fluffy birb and not an artist so I could be completely way off x)


The grey area around skeleton is intended, this is where the torch light fades and ambient light takes in :) It's overall balance of darkness, also the need to double-check everything, that makes dark pictures a bit more complicated for me. I don't think this is a dragon skeleton. More like a demon of a sort... Used to be a human skeleton at early versions, but then I thought a human skeleton was boring and added some unusual features to it x)


Hmm, it is a tad dark, in my opinion. Although I do have to say that the shading itself is top notch! The corridor feels small but not cramped, which I personally find difficult to draw. So good job on that!


That's a great piece of art! I love the mood, composition, and the facial expressions.