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CHAPTER 7 "Anonymous Donor"

“Who’s that?” my friend asked, handing me my box of pizza from our order. “Her name is Pokimane, she’s been streaming a while.” I responded with a mouthful of pizza. “She’s cute.. Is this one next?” he questioned, I took a moment to finish swallowing and briefly stared at Pokimane for a few moments before finally giving my response “Yes.”

The next day;

“Ah you fucking cunt” I yelped as I cut myself on a piece of barbed wire on the way out from my basement. I lock the barred metal gate with my hands bloody, leaving stains on the lock and key both. I let out a sigh as I walk up the stairs into the kitchen to wash my hands in the sink. “What happened, did one of em bite ya?” he asked, laughing to himself, “Fuck off J” I responded quickly and angrily. “That’s why you never ungag them” J said smugly, “I didn’t ungag anyone, I cut myself on the barb wire you put in. You know me, i’d be the last fucking person to ungag someone.” I replied, turning off the tap and drying my hands with a paper towel. “True brother, you are a fanatic when it comes to gags.” pausing for a moment “Well make sure you don’t forget to get our package at the lot.” J reminded me, “Yeah yeah” I affirmed, J walking out the front door and leaving. I open the fridge and get myself a beer to go relax and watch TV while I wait for Pokimane to go live on Twitch again.

An hour and 3 beers later, my phone lights up. ‘Pokimane is now live!’, a notification from the Twitch app. “Perfect.” I said to myself aloud, unlocking my phone and opening the app. I see that she is playing what seems to be her favorite game League of Legends, she’s very out spoken and energetic, constantly shouting and screaming at moments in the game. I observe her for a while on my sofa before moving to my computer to get a better look.

Still screaming at what looks like to me randomly, I get an idea, ‘What if I can get her to tapegag herself for me?’. I check my bitcoin wallet to see how much money I have available for spending, 252.6315789 BTC ($2.4M USD) at $9,499.28 USD per Bitcoin. “More than enough” I whispered to the screen, I take $1K USD out of the wallet into one of the stolen paypal accounts me and J acquired off a black market onion on the dark web. I think of a way to trick her into thinking I’m being sincere, so I come up with the story; that I have living neighbours and donate $9.99 USD with the message “You need to stop screaming gal, gonna wake my neighbours!”.

To no surprise, she instantly screams again at the notification of my donation, Pokimane gets very excited and thanks me repeatedly and apologizes for screaming. ‘Perfect’ I thought to myself, my plan going accordingly. Now I wait for her to scream again to make my second donation. Thankfully, that wasn’t long at all. “Victory” can be read on her game and Pokimane screams again, this is where I make my second donation, this time for $50.00 USD with the message “What did I just say about the screaming? You need to tape that mouth of yours.” Poki was shocked at the amount I donated, it looked like she’d never seen that much money in her life. I started to feel kind of bad for her due to her economic status, so I plan on fixing that. Pokimane like a good girl went off screen to tape her mouth, when she came back I saw that she had even written “Anonymous” on the tape for me. How cute of her, she looks so amazing with that tape on her mouth, I don’t want her to take it off. I’m extremely invested in her now, I want her, she will be mine. Quickly though after taping her mouth, her tiny little audience started getting not so tiny anymore. It seems as if me and J are not the only ones that enjoy this type of stuff. With her viewership climbing I knew I needed to act fast and make her mine before she gets any more popular. So I write up another donation to get her attached to me, to rely on me. I donate $300.00 USD this time with the message “What a good girl, you taped your mouth. Keep it taped for the rest of the stream and I’ll donate again.”, quite the obedient little bird she is, she did as she is told, but I wanted to see how far that obedience went. Come to the end of her stream I make my final donation for the night as she prepares to finish her stream. To leave a big impression I make it as such with a donation of $500.00 USD with the message “Here you go as promised for being a good girl. Before you go, why don’t you tape that cute nose of yours as well for a minute before you take the tape off.”, unfortunately her obedience ended as she did not tape her nose at all. This angered me deeply, I do not like being disobeyed. She just gave me a heart and a wave before ending her stream. I get up from my computer angrily and walk to the fridge to get another beer to calm myself down as I think about potential plans and what to do with Pokimane.

I return to the computer and look through my PayPal to see the email address my payment went to, imaneanys@gmail.com. I begin looking through database breaches on the darkweb to see if any of her accounts has been compromised, and there is. Some local clothing store had their data leaked and all accounts on the website, one of which is Poki’s, here I can see her password associated with the account but there is no home address listed. Now I take the email and password and try them on as many websites as I can, facebook, twitter, all of it. Thankfully for me, Poki like most people use the same password on all of their accounts. I know have access to everything she has. Looking through facebook messages and contacts I find both her home address in a message to her friend and where she works. By going through all of her messages with her complaints about work and vague posts I eventually figure out who her manager is at work, in order for Poki to be completely reliant on me I need her to lose her job. That’s when I send a message to Kathy Leah, her manager, from Poki’s account. Using as many cuss words as I can, I form a hateful message, typing in all caps with complaints Poki has made to her friends in private. I mute the conversation so that Poki won’t get a notification when she responds and now I await said response.

While I wait, I go off to pick up the package from one of the abandoned lot locations me and J order to. Since I’ve been drinking I decide to walk, it’s just silly risking a DUI offense while I have stolen money, cars and women kidnapped in our basement. Dressed in seemingly casual attire I make my way to the address, on the way there I ponder about all the various things I will do to Pokimane once she is mine, my brain races between many ideas such as sensory deprivation, breathplay, forced streaming, ways I am going to tie her and more. Entertaining myself with the possibilities it makes the trip to the lot seem like it took mere minutes, I arrive and go around the chainlink fence that secures the front of the lot. It’s completely overgrown with a few trees, packages are left in the run down shed near the back of the lot. Opening the shed I see a large cardboard box which is secured in many layers of tape. I pick up the heavy box and make my way back to the house with it, it’s a 20 minute walk back but I am quite strong and can easily endure this.

Throwing my keys on the living room sofa and closing the door behind me with the box, I make my way to the kitchen and set the box atop the counter. I let out a relieving sigh as I don’t have to carry it anymore and get another beer from the fridge. “MMMM!!” a loud moan can be heard from the basement as I walk by the door that leads into it, ‘Someone must be having fun’ I thought to myself as I continued by, going to the computer. I check Pokimane’s Facebook to see if Kathy Leah had responded yet, and she has. Not even bothering to read what she said, just knowing that she is clearly upset at it, I delete the messages so that it is no longer in her message history and unmute the conversation to hide any traces. Sipping on my beer I relax in the office chair and play some music to drown out the moans from the basement.

“Ah I see you got it” I hear J spoken aloud from the kitchen, I get up and head over to him. “Yeah mate, what did you order anyways?” I asked him, “Oh you know, just some more fun stuff to play with” J responded “Well give us a look then” I said. J began unboxing the items, first picking out a leather mask with straps- “You see, the beauty in this is, it can be strapped on behind the head and locked with a key so that it is impossible to get off without it. Here at the front behind the leather we have a ballgag that goes in the mouth and at the nose we have 2 rubber plugs that go in each nostril, no sound coming out of anyone that’s wearing this, that’s for sure.” He explained showing off the leather mask “Best part is, you can’t even tell it has all this contraption under the mask from the outside, you could easily just slap a cloth mask over it and no one would know.” he further explained. “Fuckin fancy” Impressed, I replied. “Yeah tonnes more like it in here. I’m gonna try it on Margot in a minute.” J said “Oath, record it will ya?” I asked him “Oh don’t worry ‘bout that” he said, putting the items back in the box then taking it down into the basement.

I return to my computer to do some further research on Pokimane and turn up the music just in case.

I open my eyes, vision slowly recovering after having fallen asleep, I check the time, 3am. Pokimane’s facebook on the computer screen still, I stare at her face for a little while as I think. “Fuck it” I say to myself. Music is no longer playing, seems like J had turned it off while I was asleep and went to bed himself. I put on my long black leather coat and pack in multiple changes of clothes of vastly different styles as well as my ‘blackout’ outfit into my backpack. I wake J up who is asleep on the couch to let him know I’m leaving. “Ay, i'm going collecting i’ll be back in a couple weeks or so” I whispered to J, “mmm yea” he responded before falling back asleep.

Opening the back of the van, I throw my backpack inside before getting into the driver's seat. I figured it’s been long enough since my last beer i’d be under the limit, so this should be a fairly risk free drive. I look up some hotels on my phone that are near Pokimane’s house, I pick the cheapest one with the lowest reviews as they typically have little or no security at all. I set the address to the hotel on my GPS and begin my long 5 hour drive, getting myself fast food along the way.

End of Chapter 7

Chapter 6: https://www.patreon.com/posts/story-pokimanes-50551429
Chapter 5:
Chapter 4:  
Chapter 3:  
Chapter 2:  
Chapter 1:  



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