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CHAPTER 4 “Upgrade”

“Mmmmmmph” Poki awakes with a yawn, her mouth still sealed by the duct tape from last night. Well rested she is not having to wake up so early for work anymore she can safely sleep in, she removes her blindfold and goes straight to her phone to see the responses to her tweets.

Her first tweet about her house being haunted, has responses like “pics or it didn’t happen” which gave Poki an idea, setting up cameras around the house to record and stream proof of it. ‘Could be a fun thing’ Poki thought to herself before moving on to her other tweet which was asking for suggestions of tape to use on her mouth. There are over a thousand responses to this tweet with many suggestions but there were 2 tapes in particular that was very common amongst the responses and those were Microfoam Tape and Tegaderm, with the top response explaining them both and why she should use them; “Microfoam Tape is a medical tape made to go on skin and will conform better to your face, and Tegaderm is transparent and see through which would be really fun for guess what i’m saying”. Before Poki forgets, she quickly heads over to Amazon to order just that, 2x rolls of Microfoam Tape and 2x packs of Tegaderm dressings; She sees the same-day shipping option for Amazon Prime users, Poki doesn’t have prime because she could never afford the monthly expense but that is no longer an issue, so Poki signed up to Amazon Prime and ordered the tapes with same-day shipping. Before getting up out of bed to begin her day she tweeted once more announcing the new tapes she ordered. As she put her phone down she realized the time, 1:03 PM “mmm!” she let out a squeal in shock of herself sleeping in for so long. ‘Fuck’ she thought to herself now increasing her pace, she goes through her routine rushingly saving the shower for after tonight’s stream when she would remove the duct tape from her mouth. Poki began to make breakfast, just some cereal, after filling the bowl with milk she realised she was missing something very important needed for eating, her mouth. “Mmhg” she grunted and spillingly poured the milk back into the milk jug, having not poured the cereal in the bowl yet thankfully.

“Mmmmmm mmm hmmm mmph!” Poki greeting her stream with a big smile that can be seen through the tape in the outline of her lips.

But Poki did not expect some upset viewers after immediately going live, people were complaining that she is late, Poki confused because she doesn’t have a defined schedule for streaming. Her audience is just used to her going live earlier in the morning now and it’s late afternoon, viewers believe they’re gonna see less of her today because she started late. Poki promises to stream for extra long today to make up for it, “Mm mimph mmmm mmph mmommmphm mmommph” she says before typing the translation in the chat.

Poki goes on to play a few games of League of Legends, making cute mumbles and expressions into the tape as she gets kills and wins. During her games she reads out donations and responds to them in her muffled speech. Come to her fourth game where she receives her biggest donation yet, just reading the two words “Miss me?” from Anonymous user at $800.00 USD. “MMM!” Poki squeaks in reaction, alt tabbing out of the game to double check the donation. “Mamph mou mmmmm mumph” she thanks the donor. “Mm mimph mmmph” stating that she did in fact miss him. At this point Poki switched her stream category to ‘Just chatting’ and began playing ‘Guess what I’m saying’.

During the rounds of ‘Guess what I’m saying’ Poki’s viewership steadily increases and increases and doesn’t seem to stop increasing, eventually by her 10th round of the game reaching the 3,000 viewer mark. Poki decides to hide the viewer count from herself so she doesn’t get so attached to the number.

After a few more rounds of the game, Poki gets a little bored of doing the same thing and gets an idea of a new game, she calls it ‘Escape challenge’. She announces it to her stream by typing into a notepad file, sharing her screen. She explains the idea and what they think, the chat responds in nothing but love for it. “Mmm Mm!” she says picking up her laptop and taking it into her living room where she’d have more space. She sits the laptop down on a table and sits herself on the floor, duct tape in hand. ‘Mm mm, mm mhmm mmph mm m’ she says but no one, not even herself sure of what she was trying to say, just excited to start. Poki puts on a sweater so the tape would not be on her bare skin, the tape hurts enough just being on her face. She takes the roll of tape and begins wrapping it around her ankles, she does 3 complete wraps before cutting the piece off. “Mmim momph mamph mmmm mumph mamph” she says while holding up the roll of tape, presumably commenting on how little tape is left. “Mm mmimph mm mmmm?” she questions, pausing for a moment to think before a knock on the door is heard, Poki jumps as the sound startles her. “Mm mm memph” she says to her stream, switching the screen to her ‘Be right back’ screen which is now branded with her taped mouth.

Poki hops her way to the front door with her ankles taped together and answers the door, as she opens the door she sees an Amazon worker holding a box, their eyes widen as they see Poki with her taped mouth “Oh my god! You are Pokimane! The streamer”, Poki’s face glows bright red “mm hmmm” she confirms his statement. “Here’s your package” the man handing her it, “mamph mmmoo” Poki thanking him before closing the door before hopping her way back to infront of the laptop with the package.

The screen switches back to her webcam screen in fullscreen, Poki presents the package to the stream, an unopened box, “mm mmm mmmmm!” she mumbles excitingly as she begins to unpackage it. She shows the stream the items she had ordered, 2x rolls of microfoam tape and 2x packets of tegaderm dressings. “Mimph momph mmoulm mimph mmph mimph?” she says before creating a poll on the stream, “Which one should I use first?”.

Poki spends some time inspecting the new tapes she has acquired, reading the description on the packets of the tegaderm tape, it says it’s a transparent film that is completely waterproof and will adhere indefinitely. Poki raising her eyebrows at the potential effectiveness of the tegaderm. The poll finally ends with a close vote, microfoam tape only just winning at 57%.

“Mimmphommmph mamph mim mimph” she affirms, Poki closes her eyes as she grabs the corner of the duct tape on her mouth as she begins to peel it off, holding her breath from the pain.

“And that’s why I asked for better tape!” Poki says once she finally has freed her mouth of the duct tape. “Phew, okay. Are you ready chat? Here we go.” her last words before she plasters her mouth in the microfoam tape, a very large piece going from ear to ear, nose to chin. Poki didn’t even spend a minute with her mouth free when switching between the tapes. Immediately she feels the incredible tightness and attachment of the microfoam tape as it bonds with her skin all over her face like a warm hug, the tape conforms to every part of her face perfectly.

To test out the new tape, Poki would go back to playing ‘Guess what I’m saying’ for a while more before continuing with the new ‘Escape challenge’ game. Starting with the first round:
1) “This tape is good”
2) “Houses are made of wood”
3) “Im really really hungry”
4) “I want an elephant”

As usual, Poki would repeat the phases three times before leaving it to the viewers to decide by voting in the poll “hmmm mmm mmhm mmmph mmmm”. Phrase 3) is the winning vote at 29%, a much closer vote this time with the new tape, although harder but viewers still able to guess what the correct phrase was.

Poki continues with another round until she receives yet another donation, again breaking her highest donation, this time at $1,000.00 USD, from none other than Anonymous user “Why don’t you write my name on the tape again? ;)” the donation read. “Mm mmm MMM!” Poki screams ‘oh my god’ into the tape, she nods to the camera before visibly getting up and hopping away with her ankles still taped together.

A few minutes of staring at her wall and the boxes in her living room waiting for Poki to return, when suddenly she falls right into the camera landing on the floor. Poki rushing too fast with her ankles taped leading her to trip, she gets back up into the camera frame, the stream now visibly sees what she went off to do.

The word “Anonymous” now written on her microfoam plastered mouth along with an open mouth smiley face.

“Aww how cute! Such a good girl. Don’t take that tape off tonight, keep it on until your next stream tomorrow. I’ll know if you take it off.” reads another high donation from Anonymous user. “Mmm?” Poki said in response, she’s had her mouth taped since yesterday and hasn’t eaten, she's starting to get very hungry and would like to remove the tape as soon as she’s finished streaming. Keeping this tape on until the next day would mean she’s had her mouth taped for 2 days straight. She thinks to herself how could the donor possibly know if she takes it off or not, she’ll just write the name and smiley face the same way again the next day, there’s no way they’ll find out. Poki nods her head “Mmm hmmm” in agreeance, pretending that she will do that.

A few more games of ‘Guess what I’m saying’ is played before moving back to the ‘escape challenge’. Poki grabs the last of the duct tape and rolls out the rest of the length in an extremely long piece laying on the floor facing upwards where Poki will be able to put her hands together behind her back then twist into the tape to get it around her wrists. The stream chat laughs at Poki’s frivolous attempts to bind herself, it takes Poki a good few minutes to get her wrists taped successfully. “Mmmph” she lets out a sigh after finally getting her wrists taped. Poki now with her ankles taped together, wrists taped behind her back, mouth taped in microfoam tape on stream, her audience is loving what they’re seeing. The rate of donations increase dramatically, asking her to do various things as well as the amount of money being donated per donation. Poki is unaware of how many viewers she has right now having hidden it, but she imagines it’s a lot. Poki giggles at the funny remarks being made in the donations until another high donation comes in from Anonymous reading “You look so cute like that, you know I’d ask you out for a cup of coffee but you don’t like coffee do you?”, Poki taken back by the donation, “What the fuck?” she thinks to herself, she hasn’t told anyone that she doesn’t like coffee, she doesn’t typically tell anyone because she thinks she’s weird for not liking it as about everyone else in the world seems to love it. “How could he know that?” she thinks to herself, she starts to get visibly scared on stream and she realises it, so she brushes it off and shakes her head.

“Mmm mmmmph mm mmemmamph” she mumbles saying that she is going to try and escape now. She visibly struggles, her face clenched as she uses her strength to pull her wrists apart. Success. Her hands are freed within just 10 seconds. “Mm mm mmemmph” Poki remarking on how easy it was. “You need someone else to tie and tape you up properly, you can’t do it on your own. What do you think chat?” said the final donation of tonight’s stream from Anonymous user. Her stream chat in complete agreement with the donor.

After the failed attempt of the escape challenge having it be too easy and now out of the duct tape, Poki just went back to ‘Guess what I’m saying’ for the rest of the night, moving back to her stream room. She kept on streaming all the way until 2am to keep her promise of streaming extra long, she stopped from tiredness, thirst, hunger and horniness, Poki needs to reset mentally after today’s stream by having some fun in the shower, a nice meal and a good sleep.

Once the stream ended, Poki immediately peeled the microfoam tape from her mouth and duct tape from her ankles, while the microfoam tape was harder to come off than the duct tape it didn’t hurt at all. “Thank you twitter” she whispered once her mouth was free. Poki left the tape on her desk before going off to order food and doing her bathroom routine.

While eating her delivered food she read her notifications, emails and such on her phone, she came across a news article about herself “I’m in the news?” she thought to herself. She clicked the article and began reading through, it talked of her streams and how she is the new sensation, the journalist calling her “tape girl”, some parts of the article were insulting and Poki felt offended by it, she was about to close it when she read the line “With her stream reaching a peak viewership of 15,038 viewers during the time she binded herself on stream.”, “15,000?” she said aloud. “Am I a celebrity now?” she wondered, having been recognized by the amazon deliveree, having a news article about her and 15,000 viewers in her stream.

End of Chapter 4

Chapter 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49779490/
Chapter 2:
Chapter 1:



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