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CHAPTER 3 “Branding”

It’s a week later, Poki would continue her daily streams as usual but today she is kind of feeling a bit low energy and unmotivated as her viewership is slowly tapering off. She needs a quick ‘get-me-up’ so she prepares herself a cup of coffee, something she doesn’t normally do as she dislikes the taste of coffee but the caffeine supplies her the boost she needs. In order to compensate for the taste as much as possible she puts in 5 spoons of sugar and uses a lot of milk. With the coffee made she puts the cup to her lips, holding the cup with her right hand she reaches up with her left hand and pinches her nose shut with it, drinking the coffee down as fast as possible keeping her nose pinched the whole time. By the time she finishes the entire cup she releases her nose and gasps for breath, it was no more than 20 seconds but Poki is terrible at holding her breath. She sets the cup aside and leaves it on the bench before going on to her stream.

Streaming now, her viewership still decreasing and the Anonymous donor is nowhere to be seen. Poki beginning to get more and more worried that she was going to be a one and done. Poki tries to recreate the success of the last stream by going for another win streak in League of Legends, it’s when after winning 2 games in a row and letting out a scream that she remembered what she did differently. She looks down at her desk, still there is the roll of duct tape, she picks it up, visible to the camera and says to her audience, “We’re going to play ‘Guess what I’m saying’ chat!”.

Just off the announcement of it alone, her stream chat gets more lively, the pace of messages increasing. She peels off a long length from the roll, longer than last time, and cuts off a piece. She takes the long piece of the Duct Tape and applies it over her mouth, pressing down tightly against her lips, smoothing out the edges and creases so it’s flush with her skin. “Mmom mamph” she mumbles.

“Mmmph mmo memmphm mmmph?” Poki asking if her chat is ready, they surprisingly catch what she meant and “Yes” is spammed in the chat. Just after 5 minutes of having her mouth taped on stream, her viewership spikes up. Poki now understands what her viewers want.

Poki would go on to continue playing her game of ‘Guess what I’m saying’ for another hour, her viewership numbers going up and up consistently the entire time, as well as the amount of donations. Poki now reaches her new record viewership numbers of 830 viewers.

*Clink* the sound of glasses being tapped against eachother coming from the kitchen can be heard clearly on Stream and to Poki, looking behind her in the direction of the sound Poki removes her headphones. “Mmm mmm mmmph” she says to the stream before putting on the “Be right back” screen.

Poki goes to investigate the sound, going to the kitchen. Nothing. She looks around for a bit and notices that her cup she used for her coffee this morning was missing. Poki the forgetful lady that she is, just thought to herself that maybe she placed it somewhere else and doesn’t remember. Seeing nothing else she goes back to her room to resume streaming, switching back to her webcam screen to begin her next round of ‘Guess what I’m saying’.

For each round of the game, a poll is created in the stream chat atop by Poki, 4 possible answers. Viewers have to vote for which sentence they think she is saying. This round is:
1) “I want to eat a banana”
2) “Fight me with a katana”
3) “Driving with a llama”
4) “Apples fall from trees”

Poki would go on to repeat the phrase “Mimph mm mimph m mmm-mmm-mmm” 3 times, giving her audience plenty of time to make their decision with the phrase 2) being the popular vote at 73%, and 4) the lowest at just 2%. “Mmmmph mmo memmphm mmmph mommph mm mmphmmph?” Poki asking her audience if they’re ready for the answer, she would reveal the correct phrase by ending the poll. The audience was correct with their guess, Poki starting to think to herself that maybe it’s too easy for them. A donator suggested that perhaps she could do with harder phrases or more tape.

At the end of her night she would end her stream at her record viewership of 950 viewers, almost hitting the 1K mark. After 10 hours of streaming with her mouth taped shut, she finally begins to peel the tape off her face to free her mouth. “Blegh” she says with all the adhesive on her face, removing the tape is extremely painful to Poki’s sensitive skin and feels disgusting with all the adhesive residue that remains afterwards. “I should shower at the end of days instead”, Poki mentioned to herself thinking aloud. Showering at the end of the day would allow her to completely wash herself of the adhesive properly each night.

Poki would go on to order some fast food and have it delivered for the first time, now being able to afford such luxuries thanks to her new profound streaming career. She hung up her phone and promptly went to have her second shower of the day and do her favorite routine with the showerhead, again thinking of none other than her crush Umbra. The food is estimated to arrive in 45 minutes and showering only takes Poki 15 minutes however Poki got a little distraction with her playtime with the showerhead, her fantasies of being with Umbra become more realistic as Poki is now the bigger streamer to Umbra and could use her influence on her, getting carried away with all the possibilities. After finishing twice, Poki would remember the fact that she has food on the way, once again Poki being as forgetful as ever, “Shit” she said aloud quickly turning the shower taps off and getting out into a towel just in time to hear the sound of knocking. Using two towels to wrap around her waist and another her chest to cover her naked body she rushes to the door and answers it with her hair dripping wet onto the floor in her path.

“Uhhh, is this Poki?” the man holding her food in a plastic bag asked, “Yes sorry I just got out the shower, thank you” she said taking the bag, “No problem.” he responded turning around to walk back to his car, Poki watching him while he does so, beginning to close the door, she notices on the opposite side of the street a man wearing all black clothing, long black pants, a black hoodie, a black cap and sunglasses walking slowly staring directly at Poki. As Poki realises this she shuts the door quickly making sure to lock it.

Her slight distraught is overridden by her excitement of the food in her hand, quickly forgetting about what just occurred she rushes to the kitchen to set her food down on the bench. She returns to the bathroom to use her hair dryer and dry herself off quickly and getting dressed before going to have her dinner.

As she sits down at the bench eating her food she checks her phone, looking through her notifications, Poki smiling as she sees the hundreds of new followers she has on Twitter. “Mmmm!” she lets out a squeak with her mouthful of food, reacting to one notification in particular “Umbra is now following you”, Poki drops her fork into the food, eyes widened as ever. “Omhf hf hod” saying ‘Oh my god’ before swallowing her mouthful of food. Poki goes straight to her profile and sees that the message option is now available to her as Umbra follows her back, she clicks it. The direct message page now on her phone screen, she stares at it, nervous, she wants to say hello but she is afraid to. After 15 minutes of staring at her phone, she sets the phone aside and goes back to eating before the food gets cold. As she eats she looks around the kitchen in thought but her train of thought is stopped when she notices the cup is back where it was. “What the fuck” she whispers, her mind jumps to the supernatural, scared now she gets up and turns all the lights on in the house and turns the heating up on her space heater to make her feel more safe. Poki picks up her phone again and goes back to the homepage of Twitter to write up a tweet, she writes out “Think my house is haunted lol” but before she hits send she looks at her own profile picture for a minute and thinks of her brand. Poki knows she is popular because of her taped mouth so figures it’s time for a rebrand to exactly that, but Poki has already taken the tape off her mouth from today and she doesn’t want to put on another piece just take one photo then have to go through taking it off again with all the pain and adhesive involved that comes with removing the tape. “Screw it” she whispers to herself before munching down the rest of the food. She goes back to her room and grabs the roll of duct tape, Poki has a plan in mind.

Poki now that she has eaten will tape her mouth and keep it on for tomorrow's stream so that she doesn’t have to go through the painful removal process twice in a day and would save the tape that’s left as the roll is running thin. She picks up the roll of duct tape, “wait” she says before putting it back down and returning to the kitchen. She has a glass of water to make sure she stays hydrated for tomorrow, as this will be the longest time she’s ever kept the tape on her mouth. All night tonight throughout sleep then all day tomorrow for the entire stream until the end.

Returning to her room after the glass of water, she picks up the roll of duct tape again and cuts off another long piece of the tape and tapes her mouth shut with it. Poki is starting to become acquainted with the feeling of having her mouth taped shut, getting used to it as a normality. Now with her mouth taped she can snap a new picture to set as her profile picture everywhere online for her rebrand.

Once she’s finished her rebranding, she sends the tweet she wrote up finally. Within milliseconds of hitting send, notifications start going off of people liking the tweet and replying. She receives multiple responses of “Nice profile picture” and she finds that Umbra had liked the tweet too. Poki smiles under the tape as she walks into her bedroom while reading her phone.

Laying in bed now, her eyes still glued to the phone, constantly refreshing her notifications, reading replies, seeing likes and follows, receiving message requests from random users, she is beginning to become an internet sensation. She’d go on for another hour just constantly refreshing her twitter feed and such until the wave of tiredness hits her for being awake late. Knowing that she needs her rest she finally closes the Twitter app and sets the phone aside. As she lays down looking up at the ceiling she recaps the day in her mind. “Mmm!” she lets out a sound as she realises something, she is low on duct tape and would soon run out. She picks up the phone again, this time opening the Amazon app, typing “duct tape” into the search bar. Poki is greeted with tens of thousands of listings of various tapes, sizes, types, purposes.. She is overwhelmed by the options. She decides she will ask her followers for advice, going back to the Twitter app she’d make one last tweet before finally going to sleep “Hey peeps! I’m looking to buy some new tape for stream but I don’t know what to get, any recommendations would be nice! Preferably one that doesn’t hurt so much when taking off ^^ Love you all <3”.

Poki turns off her phone to remove the temptation of looking at it and puts on her blindfold, shutting her eyes, she goes to sleep.

End of Chapter 3

Chapter 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49698735/
Chapter 1:



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