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Chapter 1: "Origin"

During the invasion of Uxas, Zeus noticed that the invader had uncovered an equation, an equation of such that would prove the non existence of free will and such knowledge could be exploited to control the will of all existence. 

Everyone else could see the symbols but they didn't know what it meant, only Zeus had came to the realisation of what it meant, that was until the Queen of the Amazons Hippolyta gave him a concerned look, she had too understood what it meant.

After successfully beating the enemy into retreat and the Mother Boxes have been separated and safeguarded into three separate locations around the world, Zeus knew that the Mother Boxes were of the littlest importance when compared to the equation that was discovered. Zeus had devised a plan to keep the equation, the anti-life equation a secret.

As Zeus and the Amazons were the only ones to know of it, Zeus took the entire island of which the anti-life equation was found and hid it from the world, then banished the Amazons to the island for the rest of eternity in order to protect the island and keep it's secrecy. In order to ensure the secrets would never be spilled or spoken, Zeus crafted the Masks of Untelling.

The Masks of Untelling are forged with Adamantine Metal, an element unbreakable, only capable of melting from the lightning of Zeus, anything forged out of it is indestructible. Each Mask is forged uniquely into a mold of each of the Amazon's faces. 

Every Amazonian had to place their faces in special liquid clay in order to create the molds. They would first have to have their nose pinched shut with a metal clip and keep their lips shut so that the liquid clay could not enter their nostrils or mouth and so that forged mask would be molded to their pinched nose in order to be as tight as possible. The Amazon would have to keep their face in the liquid clay until it hardened and remain still, the hardening process was sped up with heat but still took a long while.

Being molded to the face of the Amazon, the Mask of Untelling fits extremely tightly, sealing the lips and nose perfectly, being forged to the nose while pinched the nose section of the mask would also pinch the nose tightly shut as well as grip the lips closed. Once applied to the face the mask is permanently sealed on with an ancient inscription and can never be removed. 

Unable to speak a word with their mouth, unable to hum a sound with their nose, unable to breathe a whisper. Amazons are fierce warriors and are willing to do what is necessary, even if it means holding their breath forever. This way, the secrets can never be told, each and every Amazon fitted with a Mask of Untelling for the rest of eternity and the island hidden away from the world to never be found. 

But little did Zeus know that the Mother Boxes are sentient...

This is Zeus's Themyscira.



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