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Willow full length

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One of the interesting things about this movie that's impossible to unsee is that pretty much every major character fits the "Joseph Campbell archetype" that is found in the original Star Wars trilogy. There's Willow, the humble farmer who wants to learn magic and is thrown into a grand adventure. He meets a swashbuckling scoundrel and rogue who might not be trustworthy, but who ultimately has a heart of gold. The rogue meets a beautiful princess who he bickers with, but ultimately falls in love with. The rogue has a "frenemy" (like Lando) who also ultimately joins the side of good. There's a main evil Queen/Emperor who is powerful with magic. Under the queen is her head military guy who wears a skull-like mask most of the time (ala Vader). Willow has an initial mentor in magic (like Ben Kenobi) and then has to find a new one who is in exile on a remote island/planet (Yoda). And finally, there are two diminutive sidekicks who also act as comic relief (Brownies/Droids).


I'm always happy to see a reaction to "Willow." I wasn't even born yet when the first two "Lord of the Rings" movies came out, so in my life, the epicness of those movies has always been a thing. But my dad has told me a bunch of times over the years that Fantasy movies when he was a kid were limited to a small number and were generally not very good (his words, not mine). His claim is that when he was a kid and a teenager, "Willow" was his "Lord of the Rings" on screen. (I constantly forget that Enter posts the comment here, and have to constantly edit my half-finished comments to finish them. >.< ) I don't know about how people in the 80s felt about fantasy movies overall or if they were mostly considered bad, but I've seen a bunch of them from my dad's DVD/Blu-Ray collection and I actually like most of them. "Legend," "Krull," "Willow," and the two "Conan" movies were all a bunch of fun, even if they weren't exactly big-budget blockbusters. Most people will tell you that "Conan the Barbarian" is the better of the two Conan movies, but I actually enjoy "Conan the Destroyer" more. It might not have a plot quite as good, but I just had way more fun with it. I'd suggest watching both of them if you haven't already.