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2001 A Space Odessey full length

Watch "2001 A Space Odessey full length" on Streamable.



Great points you all made on music cues, set design, lighting (console lights, light right across Dave's eyes in the pod), letting the camera sit, rewatchability, etc! It's actually pretty crazy that (not sure the short story vs. movie) that Arthur C. Clarke and/or Stanley Kubrick envisoned video calls, in flight service, moon base with giant doors, a voice based AI etc. 60-70 years ago!


When it said that HAL was built in Urbana, Illinois, it is probably talking about the old computers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that was on the cutting edge of computer technology in the 1950s through the 1970s. UIUC is my alma mater.