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Independance Day full length reaction

Watch "Independance Day full length reaction" on Streamable.


Martin Nicholls

Small chuckle: "Independence" :D

Jenny MacRunnel

One of my favorites! I remember seeing this one in the theater, it was EPIC!


I remember watching this in the theater when it first came out and thinking, is this a comedy or a horror film? I don't think the film itself knew. For instance, the dog scene. Like, a million people just got annihilated and we're worried if the dog made it? And it just so happened that every single character we're introduced to survives the blast? How convenient! Also, the scene of the self-sacrifice at the end. We go straight from sad (tell my kids I love them) to his comic line. So am I not supposed to feel sad about his sacrifice? And with the pilots death, Will Smith doesn't even mourn at all for this guy. Then, delivers a comic line. Wasn't that guy your friend? How convenient also for the guy who discovered the hidden code knows someone in the White House. I thought the premise at the beginning was too unbelievable. A spaceship the size of Texas sneaks into our atmosphere and we don't know it until it is right over head. No way!