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Sorry, been having some copyright troubles with these YT edits. Gonna be better about that in the future. 


Tron Legacy V2


Brent Justice

IMO it is a great continuation, homage, and adaptation to the original. I think they did a great job trying to re-produce what the original movie intended. I think the original was held back a little, like a movie ahead of its time, and now with Tron Legacy they have finally realized what they meant to do in the first movie. I really enjoy this movie, and feel it is highly underrated. It's true that it hangs its hat on the visuals, but that works for it, cause it is what we all imagined Tron could be. Now, if there is a third movie, they don't have to make that the key component, and they can focus on the story more. I think it would have a great progression that way.

Justin Navarrete

Im kind of afraid that they will reboot or reimagine it again. The way studios are now; I can see them doing that