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Chernobyl ep 1 yt edit



this is definitely one of the best shows ive watched and from what I know they did this very accurately and the characters were real people and their stories are real too, the story of the fireman and his wife breaks my heart everytime I watch this. Also holding a peice of radioactive graphite like the fireman did is like having your hand in a microwave for 10 mins it cooks your hand and destroys your cells from inside out so you can only imagine what it must be like to be in direct contact with the core. The phone calls that are in this episode are real which makes this even more scary imo.


OMG, YES! This is indeed one of the best shows I've ever seen in terms of storytelling and how well done it is. The actors crushed their roles and they managed to delivery the heaviness of the story without making it look unreal. The whole production and crew did such an amazing job with it. It is a heartbreaking one, particularly episodes 3-4, so be prepared for those. I'm glad you are finally getting into it but take your time if needed, it is a heavy one to watch.


Btw, you asked how accurate it is. There will be more information as the show goes on (last episode They show a few of the real characters, stories etc) but there is also a podcast that HBO and the producers/creators released with the episodes that talk more about the research They did, and the facts of what went down.


this show is in my top 20 so i'm so excited to see what you guys think of it!!!